PDF    HTML 多环境下的稻谷粒厚QTL定位研究
Research on Mapping of Rice Grain Thickness QTLs under Multiple Envoriments
投稿时间:2024-07-08  修订日期:2024-08-09
中文关键词: 稻谷粒厚  连锁图谱  多环境  QTL  遗传效应  优质丰产  
英文关键词: Grain Thickness  genetic linkage map  multi-environment  QTL  Genetic Effect  high-quality and high-yield
徐海峰 贵州省农业科学院水稻研究所 550006
彭强 贵州省农业科学院水稻研究所 
陈重远 贵州省农业科学院水稻研究所 
吴娴 贵州省农业科学院水稻研究所 
吴朝昕 贵州省农业科学院水稻研究所 
张大双 贵州省农业科学院水稻研究所 
姜雪 贵州省农业科学院水稻研究所 
朱速松* 贵州省农业科学院水稻研究所 550006
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      【目的】粒厚性状是影响水稻产量和稻米食味品质的控制因子之一,运用V20B/CPSLO17遗传背景的重组自交系开展稻谷粒厚QTL定位分析,获得粒厚性状主效QTL,为新的粒厚基因挖掘和开发功能分子标记提供科学依据。【方法】在水稻高密度遗传连锁图谱和籼爪交遗传背景的RIL群体基础上,结合3种不同生态环境(2020年贵州贵阳、2021年贵州贵定、2021年海南三亚)下RIL群体的稻谷粒厚性表型数据,运用 IciMapping 4.0 软件的 ICIM-ADD 方法进行QTL定位及其遗传效应分析。【结果】研究表明,稻谷粒厚性状在三种生态环境均呈现连续单峰分布,其受种植环境因子影响不显著。三种不同生态环境共检测到分布在第3、5、8和10染色体上的5个稻谷粒厚QTL(qGT3-1、qGT5-1、qGT5-2、qGT8-1和qGT10-1)。这5个粒厚QTL的增效等位基因均来自亲本V20B,LOD 值在3.431~14.081范围之内,表型贡献率变幅为5.479%~26.483%。2个QTL(qGT5-1和qGT5-2)的表型贡献率超过10%,其中qGT5-2唯一在2个种植环境(2020 年贵州贵阳、2021 年海南三亚)被反复检测到的,分别解释群体表型变异率的26.483%和14.933%。QTL qGT5-2位点在染色体上的物理距离约为3.9 kb,仅有一个候选基因(LOC_Os05g07920);qGT8-1位点的物理距离约为2.3 kb,仅有一个候选基因( LOC_Os08g10360)。【结论】稻谷粒厚性状呈现出受多基因调控的数量性状遗传特性,受环境因子影响不显著。qGT5-2是一个稳定遗传且贡献率高的稻谷粒厚主效QTL,对粒厚调控基因挖掘和优质丰产稻新品种培育具有重要的应用潜力。
      【Objective】 Grain thickness is one of the controlling factors affecting rice yield and the taste quality of rice. QTL mapping for grain thickness in rice was conducted using recombinant inbred lines with the V20B/CPSLO17 genetic background, providing a scientific basis for the discovery of new grain thickness genes and the development of functional molecular markers. 【Methods】 Based on the high-density genetic linkage map and the indica-japonica cross genetic background of RIL populations, combined with the grain thickness phenotype data of RIL populations under three different ecological environments (Guiyang, Guizhou in 2020, Guiding, Guizhou in 2021, and Sanya, Hainan in 2021), QTL mapping and genetic effect analysis were performed using the ICIM-ADD method of IciMapping 4.0 software. 【Results】 The study showed that the grain thickness trait in rice exhibited a continuous bimodal distribution under all three ecological environments and was significantly affected by planting environmental factors. Five grain thickness QTLs (qGT3-1, qGT5-1, qGT5-2, qGT8-1, and qGT10-1) were detected on chromosomes 3, 5, 8, and 10 under the three different ecological environments. The beneficial alleles of these five QTLs were all from the parent V20B, with LOD values ranging from 3.431 to 14.081 and a range of phenotypic contribution rates from 5.479% to 26.483%. Two QTLs (qGT5-1 and qGT5-2) had a phenotypic contribution rate greater than 10%, with qGT5-2 being the only one repeatedly detected in two planting environments (Guiyang, Guizhou in 2020 and Sanya, Hainan in 2021), explaining 26.483% and 14.933% of the population's phenotypic variance, respectively. The physical distance of QTL qGT5-2 on the chromosome was about 3.9 kb, with only one candidate gene (LOC_Os05g07920); the physical distance of qGT8-1 was about 2.3 kb, with only one candidate gene (LOC_Os08g10360). 【Conclusion】 Grain thickness in rice is a numerically inherited trait regulated by multiple genes and is not significantly affected by environmental factors. qGT5-2 is a stable and highly contributing QTL for grain thickness, which has significant potential applications in the discovery of grain thickness regulatory genes and the breeding of new high-quality and high-yield rice varieties.
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