查看全文    HTML 屋顶绿化植物松叶佛甲草的耐热抗旱性研究
Study on the heat-tolerance of Sedummexicanum for green roof
中文关键词: 轻型屋顶绿化  松叶佛甲草  干旱胁迫  耐热性
英文关键词: extensive green roof  Sedum mexicanum  drought stress  heat resistance
郭微,李婷婷,郑娟华,陈平,俞龙生,孙延军 仲恺农业工程学院园艺园林学院广州市环境保护科学研究院深圳市公园管理中心 
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      以景天科植物松叶佛甲草Sedum mexicanum为材料,研究干旱胁迫条件下其植物形态特征以及生理生化指标变化,并采用电导率结合Logistic方程计算其高温半致死温度。结果表明,在干旱胁迫条件下,植物形态特征表现较好,叶片相对含水量的下降和电解质渗出率的增加缓慢,MDA含量以及可溶性糖含量变化幅度不大。经梯度高温处理试验,处理温度与细胞伤害率之间呈显野S冶型曲线,经显著性检验袁符合Logistic方程袁并根据公式计算得高温半致死温度为62.27℃。与其他景天属植物抗旱耐热性指标比较,松叶佛甲草的抗旱耐热性指标属于较好水平,表明松叶佛甲草是能较好适应屋顶干旱环境的候选品种。
      Plant morphological characteristics and changes of physiological and biochemical indexes for Sedum mexicanum were studied under the condition of drought stress. And the heat tolerance was measured by electrical conductivity combined with Logistic equation. The results indicated that: S. mexicanum grew well under the drought stress.With the increase of the drought stress, the leaf relative water content decreased while the electrolyte permeability increased slowly. While the changes of MDA content and soluble sugar content were not obvious mainly reasoned by S.mexicanum with a stronger drought resistance. In addition, the relationship between the temperature for leaf species and the relative electricity conductivity varied in a 耶S爷curve model which was accorded with Logistic equation proved by significance test calculated with the formulas. And the half lethal temperature for S. mexicanum was 62.27益. Compared with the drought resistance indices of other species in Sedum, the drought resistance index for S. mexicanum belongs to better level which indicated that S. mexicanum, a good candidate, was suitable for the roof of the arid environment.
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