查看全文    HTML 红树林生态系统碳素密度、贮量与分布
Density, storage and distribution of carbonin mangrove ecosystem
中文关键词: 红树林  碳素密度  碳贮量  分布特征
英文关键词: mangrove  carbon density  carbon storage  distribution
李娜,陈丕茂,乔培培,秦传新 中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所/农业部南海渔业资源环境科学观测实验站/中国水产科学研究院海洋牧场技术重点实验室 
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      以广东省沿岸典型红树林区域内的红树植物及底泥为研究对象,采用野外现场分析和实验室测定相结合的方法对红树林生态系统的碳素密度、贮量及其空间分布特征进行了研究。结果表明:底泥碳密度随着深度增加而逐渐降低,而且与地区和树种的不同无关,50cm底泥平均碳密度为0.0187 g/cm3。不同地区不同红树品种的不同组分中碳素密度差异明显。各地区总碳储量大小顺序为:珠海>高桥>深圳>水东湾>广海湾>饶平>大亚湾>澄海。红树覆盖区的碳密度和碳储量都明显高于无红树覆盖区,说明红树林有很强的碳汇功能。
      Using the mangrove plants and sediment of the typical mangrove areas in Guangdong province as research object, the density, storage and spatial distribution of carbon were studied by the combination of wild field analysis and laboratory testing methods. The results showed that the carbon density of the sediment gradually reduced with the increase of depth, and was not affected by the difference of area and tree species. The average carbon density of 50 cm sediment was 0.007 g/g. The carbon density was obviously different in different components of different mangrove species in different regions. The total carbon storage in different regions was the order as Zhuhai 跃Gaoqiao 跃Shenzhen 跃Shuidongwan 跃 Guanghaiwan跃Raoping跃Dayawan跃Chenghai. The carbon density and carbon storage were obviously higher in mangrove covered area than those in blank areas, indicating that mangroves had very strong carbon sink function.
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