查看全文    HTML 农民专业合作社成员异质性对其履约行为的影响研究
Influence of membership heterogeneity on member contract performance conduct in farmer specialized cooperatives
中文关键词: 农民专业合作社  异质性  履约行为
英文关键词: farmer specialized cooperatives  membership heterogeneity  contract performance conduct
齐文娥,彭朵芬 华南农业大学经济管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 1212
全文下载次数: 458
      农民专业合作社成员的异质性对合作社及其社员均有深刻影响。选取社员视角,考察成员异质性对社员履约行为的影响。基于问卷调查,采用二元logistic 回归模型和多元线性回归模型进行计量分析,结果表明:文化水平的提升会逐步弱化社员履约的意愿;提升农产品的生产收益能够降低社员违约的可能性;生产经验越丰富,社员的履约率越低;社员在社会资本方面的比较优势,会逐步弱化其实际的履约行为;农民专业合作社的多种服务性功能对社员自觉履约起到一定的引导作用但利润红利的分配对社员自觉履约的引导有限;社员的履约行为与其在合作社的职位及影响力密切相关。
      Previous studies about farmer specialized cooperatives have demonstrated that membership heterogeneity can impact the cooperatives as well as the members. From the perspective of members, this study investigated how membership heterogeneity affected members contract performance conduct. The logistic regression and the linear regression were employed to arrive at parameter estimates. The results showed that higher educational level would gradually weaken fulfillment willingnessout of a contract. Similarly, richer experience or more social capital may lead to a lower performance rate. On the contrary, higher productive profit of the agricultural products could bring to a lower possibility of default. Moreover, most of services offered by the cooperative could contribute to a better contract performance conduct, but the contribution from the distribution of profits and dividend was relatively small. Finally, members contract performance conduct was closely related to their position in the cooperative.
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