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Effects of different rootstocks grafting on growth and bacterial wilt resistance of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)
中文关键词: 番茄  嫁接  生长发育  青枯病
英文关键词: Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.  grafting  growth and development  bacterial wilt
曹学文,苏志强,谢艳华 广州市白云区农业科学试验中心 
摘要点击次数: 1358
全文下载次数: 582
      In this study, with Qinhe tomato, Qinjia tomato and local wild stab eggplant as rootstocks, Darwin tomato and green cherry 1 tomato as scions, the effects of different rootstocks grafting on the growth and bacterial wilt resistance of tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) were in vestigeted. The results showed that grafting could improve disease resistance to tomato bacterial wilt. In terms of growth and development, local wild stab eggplant with the two scions had poorer affinity, with the growth, the rootstock stem diameter at grafted parts was significantly smaller than the scion, physiological premature appeared and fruitbecome smaller. In terms of production, using Qinhe tomato and Qinjia tomato as rootstocks,could extend the tomato harvest, increase the tomatoes number, improve tomato fruit weight, so that the total output increased by more than 15%.
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