邵 玲1,周 澄1,钟春燕2,欧宇丹1,杨婷娟1.田间遮阴不同叶色型苋菜农艺性状及其生理研究[J].广东农业科学,2017,44(7):25-33
查看全文    HTML 田间遮阴不同叶色型苋菜农艺性状及其生理研究
Agronomic traits and physiology of different leaf-color types of Amaranthus tricolor under field shade
中文关键词: 苋菜  田间遮阴  叶色型  农艺性状  叶片生理
英文关键词: Amaranthus tricolor  field shade  leaf-color types  agronomic characteristics  leaf physiology
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31201142);广东省大学生创新训练计划项目(201610580013);广东省大学生科 技创新培育专项(pdjh2016a0536);广东省教育厅创新团队项目(2015KCXTD032)
邵 玲1,周 澄1,钟春燕2,欧宇丹1,杨婷娟1 1. 肇庆学院生命科学学院广东 肇庆 526061 2. 肇庆市农业科学研究所广东 肇庆 526070 
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      用半开放式田间遮阴处理,探讨不同叶色型苋菜在早春弱光环境下的农艺性状及其叶片生理 变化,为筛选耐阴性的苋菜品种及其规模生产提供试验依据。结果表明:田间遮阴14 d 后,各叶色型苋菜 株高、植株冠径增加,干物质积累减少,根冠比下降,叶绿素和类胡萝卜素总量极显著降低,Chl a 的降幅低 于Chl b,Chl a/ Chl b 比值增大,总抗氧化能力下降幅度为:圆叶绿苋(YL)>台湾红苋(TH)>尖叶绿苋 (JL)>阿里山红苋(AH)。红叶型苋菜叶中苋菜红素呈现先降后升的趋势,kAma/Chl 上升极为显著,揭 示该色素有别于花青素苷的弱光生理调控机制。不同叶色型苋菜对弱光胁迫响应各异,田间遮阴抑制了TH 的出叶数及其生长,花红苋(AH)对弱光照环境有较好的适应性,遮阴后期叶面积增加14.6%~26.7%,苋 菜红素含量显著上升。4 种供试品种的田间耐阴性为:AH> YL > JY > TH。TH 和JL 适合全光照条件生长; 结合AH 和YL 的产量和株型品质分析,AH 更适合在广东珠三角地区早春田间栽培。
      The agronomic traits and leaf physiological changes of different leaf-color of Amaranthus tricolor in early spring were studied by semi-open field shade treatment,to provid the experimental basis for screening of resistant A. tricolor varieties and their scale production. The results showed that: the plant height and plant crown diameter increased,dry matter accumulation and root/shoot ratio decreased after 14 days of field shade. The Chlorophyll and carotenoids significantly decreased. Chl a decreased less than Chl b,and Chla/Chlb ratio increased. The degree of declining of total antioxidant capacity was ‘Green round leaf’ type( YL)> Taiwan‘ Red leaf’ type (TH) >‘ Green sharp leaf’ type( JL)> Alishan‘ Red leaf’ type( AH). The amaranthine of‘ Red leaf’ types of A. tricolor showed a tendency to decrease first and then rose,and the kAma / Chl increased significantly,revealing that the pigment is different from the mechanisms of low light physiological regulation of anthocyanin. Different leaf-color types of A. tricolor had different responses to weak light stress,field shade inhibited TH leaf number and its growth, but‘ Red flower’ type( AH)of A. tricolor had good adaptability to weak light environment,its leaf area increased by 14.6%-26.7% at later stages,and its amaranthine content increased significantly. The shade tolerance of four tested amaranth cultivars was: AH> YL> JY> TH. TH and JL were suitable for full-light condition growth;Combined with the yield and plant quality of AH and YL,Alishan‘ Red leaf’ type( AH) is more suitable for cultivation in early spring field in the Pearl River Delta region of Guangdong Province.
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