丁帅涛1,程晓梅1,张 亚1,任华江1,2,江昌俊3,纪晓明1,2,胡 歆1,2.陕西古茶树种质资源表型性状遗传多样性研究[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(2):52-60
查看全文    HTML 陕西古茶树种质资源表型性状遗传多样性研究
The research on phenotypic traits genetic diversity of the ancient tea germplasm resources in Shaanxi province
中文关键词: 古茶树种质资源  表型性状  相关性分析  主成分分析  聚类分析  遗传多样性
英文关键词: ancient tea germplasm resources  phenotypic traits  correlation analysis  principal compoent analysis  clustering analysis  genetic diversity
丁帅涛1,程晓梅1,张 亚1,任华江1,2,江昌俊3,纪晓明1,2,胡 歆1,2 1. 咸阳泾渭茯茶有限公司陕西 咸阳 712044 2. 陕西苍山秦茶集团有限公司陕西 西安 7100033. 安徽农业大学安徽 合肥 230036 
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      古茶树种质资源研究和利用是我国茶树种质资源研究的新课题。为鉴定和评价陕西38 份古茶 树种质资源表型性状遗传多样性,利用相关性分析、主成分分析、聚类分析方法对其表型性状遗传多样性 进行研究和分析。结果表明,陕西38 份古茶树种质资源6 个主要表型性状(叶面积、叶形、叶色、叶身、叶 面隆起性、叶片着生角度)变异丰富,不同性状间遗传多样性指数不同,遗传多样性指数在0.7934~0.9969 之间,平均遗传多样性指数为0.8811;在欧氏距离10 时可将陕西38 份古茶树种质资源聚类为2 大类群,但 并没有严格按照地域聚类,而是按照表型性状遗传多样性进行聚类。研究结果表明,陕西汉中、安康等地古 茶树种质资源表型性状变异丰富,具有较高的遗传多样性和选育优异茶树种质资源的潜力。
      The research and utilization of the ancient tea germplasm resources were the new topic in the reasearch of the tea germplasm resources in China. In order to identify and evaluate the phenotypic traits diversity index of the 38 ancient tea germplasm resources in Shaanxi,the phenotypic traits diversity index was researched and analyzed with the methods of the correlation analysis,the principal compoent analysis and the clustering analysis in the paper. The results showed that,the diversity and variation of the six main phenotypic traits(leaf size,leaf shape,leaf colour,leaf cross section,leaf upper surface and leaf attitude)of the 38 ancient tea germplasm resources in Shaanxi was abundant,the diversity index among the main phenotypic traits was different,the diversity index was between 0.7934-0.9969,and the average diversity index reaching 0.8811;the 38 ancient tea germplasm resources in Shaanxi could clustered into two large groups at the euclidean distance of ten,they were clustered accordance with the phenotypic traits diversity index,were not in strict accordance with the regional cluster. The variation of the ancient tea germplasm resources in Hanzhong and Ankang of Shaanxi was abundant,possessing the high genetic diversity and breeding potential of the excellent tea germplasm resources to a certain extent.
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