查看全文    HTML 前茬冬作马铃薯的早稻氮肥合理调控初步试验
Preliminary experiment on the rational regulation of early rice nitrogen fertilizer under preceding winter potato planting
中文关键词: 冬作马铃薯  早稻  氮肥减量  氮素农学利用率  偏生产力  经济效益
英文关键词: preceding winter potato planting  early rice  nitrogen reduction  agronomic nitrogen use efficiency  partial productivity  economic efficiency
基金项目:广东省农作物良种良法示范基地建设项目(粤财综[2016]20 号)
官利兰1,代啟贵2,谭卫娜1,李水源1,陈健章1,张新明2 1. 恩平市农业科学技术研究所广东 恩平 529400 2. 华南农业大学资源环境学院广东 广州 510642 
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      为进一步探讨前茬冬作马铃薯的早稻氮肥合理调控,进行了不同施氮量对早稻产量的影响试验。 结果表明,早稻施氮量为60 kg/hm2 时产量显著高于施氮量为90、120 kg/hm2 的处理,抗倒伏能力强,同时 氮素农学利用效率和偏生产力均具有显著优势。此外,施用有机肥的增产效果显著。建议前茬冬作马铃薯 的早稻氮肥减施70%~80%,合理施用有机肥,有利于提高产量、提高利用率、增加经济收益。
      This experiment was carried out to study the rational regulation of early rice nitrogen fertilizer under preceding winter potato planting. Field experiments were conducted to compare the effects of different application levels of nitrogen fertilizer on early rice yield when the winter potato was proper preceding crop. The yield of early rice when nitrogen fertilizer was 60 kg/hm2 was significantly higher than 90 kg/hm2 and 120 kg/hm2, and has stronger lodging resistance. The nitrogen agronomic efficiency and nitrogen partial factor productivity were highest with the pure nitrogen of 60 kg/hm2. The yield of early rice was increased significantly by organic fertilizer application. Therefore, it is suggested that the proper application of organic fertilizers and reducing the amount of using nitrogen fertilizer by 70%-80% in early race growth when winter potato were proper preceding crop, were beneficial to increase the yield, utilization rate and economic benefits.
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