张建桃 1 ,蔡成瑾 1 ,黄岳锐 1 ,曾志康 1 ,张 涵 1 ,尹选春 2.木棉干燥花制作工艺研究[J].广东农业科学,2018,45(12):100-106
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Study on the production process of kapok dry flower
中文关键词: 木棉花  无水乙醇  柠檬酸溶液  热风处理  微波干燥
英文关键词: kapok  anhydrous ethanol  citric acid solution  hot air treatment  microwave drying
基金项目:广东省科技计划项目(2016A020210092);国家自然科学基金(61773171);国家级大学生创新创 业训练计划项目(201710564155)
张建桃 1 ,蔡成瑾 1 ,黄岳锐 1 ,曾志康 1 ,张 涵 1 ,尹选春 2 1. 华南农业大学数学与信息学院广东 广州 5106422. 华南农业大学工程学院广东 广州 510642 
摘要点击次数: 2349
全文下载次数: 862
      为了丰富市场上的干燥花品种,满足人们对干燥花的品类需求,探究木棉干燥花的制作工艺。 将新鲜木棉花用无水乙醇和 10% 柠檬酸溶液复合保色剂进行保色预处理,用直径为 0.5~1 mm 的硅胶粉 末进行包埋,分别采用恒温箱和改装后的微波炉进行干燥花制作工艺试验。结果表明:采用保色剂与包 埋剂对木棉花进行预处理,能较好地提升干燥后的外观品质;采用恒温热风方法对木棉花进行干燥,存 在干燥时间长且成品花颜色不均和变黄的问题,说明木棉花不适宜用热风恒温箱进行干燥;采用微波干 燥的干花整体品质较好,且干燥周期短。用 800 W 加热 5 min 后继续用 200 W 加热 2 min,或用 800 W 加热 5 min 后继续用 400 W 加热 1 min,这两种微波组合干燥方案是较为合适的干燥工艺。
      In order to enrich the varieties of dried flowers on the market and meet people's needs for dried flowers, this article explored the production process of dried kapok flowers. The flowers were pretreated by Ethanol and 10% citric acid mixed solution to keep the colour first. Then they should be embedded in silica gel powder with a diameter of 0.5-1 mm. The experiment on kapok drying was conducted in two different drying machine, a thermostat and a modified microwave oven. From the experiment, we came to several conclusions. The pretreatment of kapok with the color-preserving agent and embedding agent could improve the appearance of dried flowers. Kapok was not suitable for drying with a hot air oven for the reason that being dried by the constant-temperature hot-air for a long drying time would lead to the uneven color and yellowing of the finished flower. By contrast, microwave drying could bring better overall quality and shorter drying cycle. It was a more suitable drying process to use two kinds of microwave combination drying schemes, such as continue heated with 800 W heating for 5 minutes then 200 W for 2 minutes, or continue heated with 400 W for 1 minute after 800 W heating for 5 minutes.
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