杨业彬,韦开军,邓 思,阳康春,周 颀,覃耀冠,张 燕.适应机械收获的宿根甘蔗不同种植行距研究[J].广东农业科学,2019,46(6):15-22
查看全文    HTML 适应机械收获的宿根甘蔗不同种植行距研究
Study on Different Planting Distances of RatoonSugarcane Adapted to Mechanical Harvesting
中文关键词: 甘蔗  宿植  行距  产量  品质
英文关键词: sugarcane  perennial planting  row spacing  yield  quality
基金项目:广西创新驱动发展专项基金项目(桂科 AA17202042-5);国家现代农业产业体系广西甘蔗创新团队柳州综合实验站(nycytxgxcxtd.03-05)
杨业彬,韦开军,邓 思,阳康春,周 颀,覃耀冠,张 燕 广西农业科学院柳州分院 / 柳州市农业科学研究所广西 柳州 545003 
摘要点击次数: 1371
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      【目的】研究甘蔗宽行距种植与当地常规行距(1.0 m)种植对宿根蔗产量和品质的影响效应以及 不同品种对不同行距的适应性,探索适应不同收获机型的甘蔗品种和甘蔗宽行距宿根管理技术,为甘蔗机械收 获的大面积推广提供依据。【方法】在新植蔗种植行距试验的基础上,留宿根观察,以桂糖 29 号、福农 39 号 和粤糖 60 号 3 个优良品种为供试甘蔗品种,设 3 种种植行距(1.0、1.2、1.4 m),对其在 3 种种植行距下农艺 性状进行研究。【结果】种植行距 1.4 m 处理,桂糖 29 号每 667 m2 含糖量 734 kg,比对照增产 26.99%,粤糖 60 号宽行种植处理与对照接近;桂糖 29 号和粤糖 60 号在宽行距种植下其农艺性状、产量性状综合表现均优于 对照,对宽行种植具有良好的适应性。【结论】福农 39 号在宽行距种植上不具有优势,不适宜进行中大型机器 种植管理;桂糖 29 号对宽行距种植具有良好的适应性,生产上可采用 1.4 m 行距作为适宜机械化全程种植管理 的最佳行距;粤糖 60 号对宽行种植也具有良好的适应性,生产上可采用 1.4 m 行距作为机械化全程种植的最佳 行距。
      【Objective】The research was to investigate the effect of sugarcane wide row planting and local conventional planting distance(1.0 m) on the yield and quality of ratoon sugarcane and the adaptability of different varieties to different row spacing, explore the sugarcane varieties adapted to different harvesting machinery and sugarcane ratoon wide row distance management technology, and provide a basis for the wide spread of sugarcane mechanical harvesting. 【Method】 The test was conducted based on a test of different sugarcane planting intervals in a year. In the second year, live roots were observed in this experiment A test for newly planted sugarcane at different row spacing was conducted, leaving ratoon for observation. Three good varieties including GT 29, FN 39, and YT 60 were used as tested sugarcane varieties, and three different row distances (1.0,1.2,1.4 m) were designed to study their agronomic traits. 【Result】 Under the row spacing of 1.4 m, GT29 had a sugar content of 734 kg per 667 m2, which was 26.99% higher than that of the control, while the wide-rowspacing planted YT60 had a sugar content similar to that of the control. The comprehensive performance of agronomic and yield traits of GT29 and YT60 under wide row spacing planting was better than that of the control, which indicated that GT29 and YT 60 had good adaptability to wide row spacing planting. 【Conclusion】 FN39, which has no advantage in wide row spacing planting, is not suitable for medium and large scale mechanization planting management. GT29 has good adaptability to wide row spacing planting, and a row spacing of can be regarded as 1.4m as the optimal raw spacing for full mechanization planting.
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