龙誉铭 1 ,卲建明 2,赵竑博 1 ,邹优永 2,刘玉丹 2.绿宝 3 号黄瓜霜霉病抗性鉴定及选育过程[J].广东农业科学,2019,46(7):23-31
查看全文    HTML 绿宝 3 号黄瓜霜霉病抗性鉴定及选育过程
Identification and Breeding Process of Resistance to Downy Mildew of Lvbao No. 3 Cucumber
中文关键词: 绿宝 3 号黄瓜  霜霉病  亲本材料  杂交组合  接种鉴定  品种筛选
英文关键词: Lvbao No.3 Cucumber  downy mildew  parent material  hybrid combinations  inoculation identification  variety screening
龙誉铭 1 ,卲建明 2,赵竑博 1 ,邹优永 2,刘玉丹 2 1. 华南农业大学园艺学院广东 广州 510642 2. 茂名市农作物技术推广站广东 茂名 525000 
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      【目的】提高黄瓜的产量、改善品质、增强黄瓜对霜霉病和非生物逆境的抗性。【方法】以国内 外 60 份黄瓜自交系亲本材料为研究对象,通过苗期和成株期人工接种的方法进行黄瓜霜霉病抗性鉴定,以实 验室鉴定和田间选育相结合的模式,以津春 5 号黄瓜为对照种,选育出符合市场需求的黄瓜品种。【结果】筛 选出综合性状优良的 HG2×HG5 黄瓜新组合。该品种生长势强,侧蔓、主蔓同时结瓜,连续结果性好,皮深绿色, 有棱刺,质脆汁多,味微甜,抗霜霉病,田间表现抗逆性较强,于 2018 年通过农业部非主要农作物品种登记, 登记编号 GPD 黄瓜〔2018〕440036。【结论】该选育方式简单易行,既可以缩短抗病性鉴定的周期,提高育 种效率,又可以减少土地、人力、物力等资源浪费,为今后基层育种工作者提供参考和借鉴。
      【Objective】 The study was to improve the yield and quality of cucumber and its resistance to downy mildew and abiotic adversity.【Method】The resistance to cucumber downy mildew was identified by artificial inoculation at seedling stage and adult stage with 60 parent materials of cucumber inbred lines at home and abroad. By using the model of combination of laboratory identification and field selection,the cucumber varieties that meet the market demand were selected by taking Jinchun No.5 cucumber as the control. 【Result】 The new combination of HG2×HG5 cucumber with good comprehensive characters was screened. This variety has strong growth potential and good continuous fruit performance,with side vines and main vines bearing melons at the same time. The variety,crisp and juicy,has dark green skin,sharp thorns,slightly sweet taste and resistance to downy mildew,and shows strong adversity resistance in the field. It was registered by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs as a non-major crop variety in 2018 with the registration number GPD Cucumber〔2018〕440036. 【Conclusion】This breeding method is simple and easy,which can not only shorten the cycle of disease resistance identification and improve the efficiency of breeding,but also reduce the waste of land,manpower and material resources,providing reference for grassroots breeders in the future.
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