王晓波 1,包和平 1,2.春小麦新品种 JZ5 引种赞比亚试验[J].广东农业科学,2020,47(10):1-10
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Experimental Study of New Spring Wheat Variety JZ5 Introduced to Zambia
中文关键词: 春小麦  JZ5  抗逆性  引种
英文关键词: spring wheat  JZ5  resistance  introduction
王晓波 1,包和平 1,2 1. 吉林农业大学农学院吉林 长春 1301182. 现代农业技术教育部国际合作联合重点实验室吉林 长春 130118 
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      【目的】吉林农业大学承担了国家商务部中国援赞比亚农业技术示范中心项目,为落实“人员培训、科学研究、示范推广、宣传展示”任务,尊重受援国意愿,坚持“受援国提出、受援国同意、受援国主导”,根据当地对小麦品种的需求,进行了小麦品种选育工作。【方法】JZ5品种以C7906作母本、NS2作父本有性杂交通过系谱法选育而成,是国内优良的春小麦品种,于 2011年引种到赞比亚。【结果】经过多年引种试验、区域试验和生产试验,JZ5在所有参试小麦中表现为平均穗粒数65粒、千粒干质量54.2 g,产量潜力 11 000 kg/hm2。小麦种植期间正值赞比亚旱季,干热风对小麦灌浆影响较大,而JZ5灌浆速率快、结实率高,几乎不受干热风影响,耐干热风能力强,抗蚜虫,高抗白粉病,具有明显高产稳产特性。于2016年3月7日通过赞比亚农业部种子认证和控制研究所(SCCI)审定。【结论】JZ5适宜在赞比亚3个生态区种植,允许在赞比亚进行商业化推广,丰富了赞比亚的种质资源。
      【Objective】Jilin Agricultural University undertook the China-Aid Zambia Agricultural Technology Demonstration Center Project for implementing the tasks of “personnel training, scientific research, demonstration and promotion, publicity and display”.With respect to the will of recipient countries and upholding of the principle of “proposed by recipient country, agreed by recipient country, and led by recipient country”, the University carried out wheat introduction work according to the Zambian local demand of wheat cultivation.【Method】JZ5, a fine spring wheat variety in China, was bred by using C7906 as the female parent and NS2 as the male parent through genealogical method. It was introduced to Zambia in 2011.【Result】After years of introduction experiment, regional test and production test, JZ5 showed an average spike grain number of 65 grains, dry mass of 1 000 grains of 54.2 g, and yield potential of 11 000 kg/hm2 in all the tested wheat. During the wheat planting period, Zambia was in the dry season, during which dry-hot wind had a great influence on wheat grouting, while JZ5, with fast grouting rate and high seed setting rate, was barely affected by dryhot wind. It had strong resistance to dry-hot wind, aphids and powdery mildew, and had obvious characteristics of high and stable yield. It was approved by the Seed Control and Certification Institute (SCCI) of the Ministry of Agriculture of Zambia on March 7, 2016.【Conclusion】It is suitable for planting in three ecological zones in Zambia, allowing commercial promotion in Zambia, and enriching the germplasm resources in Zambia.
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