王秋燕,田耀加,吴 蓓,叶伟忠,陈红弟.水果型优质超甜玉米品种引种鉴定筛选试验[J].广东农业科学,2021,48(1):63-71
查看全文    HTML 水果型优质超甜玉米品种引种鉴定筛选试验
Introduction, Identification and Screening of Fruit Type Super-sweet Corn Varieties
中文关键词: 水果型玉米  比较试验  鉴定  筛选
英文关键词: fruit-type corn  comparative test  identification  screening
基金项目:广州市科技计划项目(201804010410);2020 年广州市农业财政专项资金(1900023)
王秋燕,田耀加,吴 蓓,叶伟忠,陈红弟 广州市农业科学研究院广东 广州 510335 
摘要点击次数: 1429
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      【目的】筛选适用广东亚热带条件下种植的水果型优质超甜玉米新资源。【方法】引进国内、外 水果型优质超甜玉米新品种 66 个,进行 3 年 5 季的鉴定评价,优中选优,筛选 20 个优质品种进行品比试验, 并进行适应性、抗逆性、植株性状、穗部性状、产量及品质性状的鉴定与分析。【结果】田间观察和室内考种 结果表明,20 个品种皆为早熟矮秆类型,特点是生育期较短,植株整齐度好、株型较矮、穗位较低;果穗头 尾均匀,籽粒小到中等;品尝果皮薄、质脆爽、糖分多水分少,甜度高、糖分降解慢,保质期长,生食、熟食 品质甜度一样高。【结论】综合各项指标性状表明,GT-11、脆甜、圣甜 1365、圣甜 5590、BMB380、京白甜 456、圣甜白珠、高博、万大冰糖、白珍珠 627 等 10 个品种产量比对照增产、增产达到极显著水平,且综合性 状优良,可作为二环系原始材料直接选育;圣甜 5788、圣甜 169、库普拉、白马王子、双喜等 5 个品种产量一般, 可利用几个杂交种合成综合种,从中分离株系。适合广东推广种植的雪甜 7401、珍珠、白雪公主、台湾鲜绿、 粤白甜 2 号产量低、品质优,可通过传统育种与现代生物技术手段进一步改良利用。
      【Objective】The study was performed to select new super-sweet corn resources of fruit type that suitable for planting under sub-tropical conditions in Guangdong.【Method】Sixty-six new super-sweet corn varieties of fruit type, introduced from domestic and overseas, were evaluated for 3 years(5 seasons). Twenty high-quality varieties of which were selected for comparison test, and the adaptability, resistance, plant characters, ear characters, yield and quality characters were identified and analyzed.【Result】Results of field observation and indoor test showed that the 20 varieties were early-maturing and short stem type, characterized by short growth period, good plant uniformity, shorter stem and lower ear position. The shape was even in the ear head and base, and the size of grains was small to medium. With thin seed coat, crisp taste, high sugar content and low water content, slow sugar degradation, long shelf life, the fresh ear had the same sweetness when it was raw or cooked.【Conclusion】The different indexes showed that ten varieties(‘GT-11’,‘Cu itian’,‘Shengtian1365’,‘Shengtian5590’,‘BMB380’,‘Jingbaitian456’,‘Shengtianbaizhu’,‘Gaobo’,‘ Wanda Bingtang’,‘Baizhenzhu 627’) had higher yield than that of the CK significantly, could be used as the original materials of inbred lines for breeding with good comprehensive traits. In addition, five varieties including ‘Shengtian5788’, ‘Shengtian169’,‘Kupula’and‘Baimawangzi’,‘Shuang Xi’, with less yield, should be synthesized hybrids with several and separated good strain for utilization. The other varieties that suitable for planting in Guangdong with the least yield but highest quality, including ‘Zhenzhu’, ‘Baixuegongzhu’, ‘Taiwan Xianlv’and‘Yuebaitian 2’, should be further improved and utilized through traditional breeding and modern biotechnology.
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