易小龙,王小云,郑霞林,陆 温.昆虫繁殖适度研究进展[J].广东农业科学,2021,48(4):84-92
查看全文    HTML 昆虫繁殖适度研究进展
Advance in Insects Reproductive Fitness
中文关键词: 昆虫繁殖适度  环境因素  多次交配  交配经历  延迟交配
英文关键词: insect reproductive fitness  environmental factor  multiple mating  mating experience  delayed mating
基金项目:广西创新驱动发展专项(桂科 AA17202017);国家现代农业产业技术体系广西柑橘创新团队建设项目(nycytxgxcxtd-05-03)
易小龙,王小云,郑霞林,陆 温 广西大学农学院 / 广西农业环境与农产品安全重点实验室培育基地广西 南宁 530004 
摘要点击次数: 1203
全文下载次数: 1189
      昆虫已成为动物界种类最多、分布最广的一个类群。繁殖是昆虫保证种群延续以及繁荣的重要手段。 因为其极强的繁殖能力和特殊的繁殖体系,雌性昆虫可以通过受精囊储存交配中从雄虫处获得的精子延迟卵的 受精,控制其受精时间,以此避免不利于其后代生存的时间和环境,待寻找到合适的环境以及寄主后,再控制 精液流出使卵受精,保证其卵的孵化率和幼虫的存活率。繁殖适度是衡量昆虫适应自然的一个重要指标。在自 然界,昆虫通常通过改变其繁殖适度的方式调节和适应外部不利的环境因素和自身因素的变化。基于近年来国 内外学者对于昆虫繁殖行为的大量研究,从环境因素和昆虫自身因素两个方面对昆虫繁殖适度进行综述。分别 讨论了温度、湿度、光照、食物和密度 5 个外部环境因素,以及体型或体重、多次交配、交配经历和延迟交配 4 个昆虫自身因素,对昆虫繁殖适度的影响以及相应研究结果在实际生产中的应用,并指出当前研究的存在问题, 以期为相关的进一步研究提供方向,为田间寻找新的害虫防治措施提供思路。
      Insect has become the most diverse and widely distributed group in the animal kingdom. Reproduction is an important way for insects to ensure the continuation and prosperity of the population. Due to its strong reproductive ability and special reproductive system, female insects can store sperm obtained from males during mating through the organ of spermatheca. The females can delay the fertilization of eggs and control their fertilization time so as to avoid time and environment that are not conducive to the survival of their offspring. After finding a suitable environment and host, the flow of semen will be controlled to fertilize the eggs to ensure the hatching rate of the eggs and the survival rate of the larvae. Reproductive fitness is an important index to measure insect adaptation to nature. In nature, insects usually adjust and adapt to the changes of external adverse environmental factors and their own factors by changing the way of reproductive fitness. Based on the results of a large number of studies on insect reproduction behavior by domestic and foreign scholars in recent years, this article reviews the reproductive fitness of insects from two aspects: environmental factors and insects' own factors. This paper discusses the influences of external environmental factors in aspects of temperature, humidity, light, food and density, and the change of insects' own factors in aspects of body size, multiple mating, mating experience and delayed mating on its reproductive fitness and the application of the corresponding research results in practical production. In addition, it also points out the problems of the current researches in order to provide directions for related further researches and provide ideas for finding new pest control measures in the field.
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