Li Feng Liang.荔枝成花过程及其重要制约因子[J].广东农业科学,2021,(5-6):-
PDF    HTML 荔枝成花过程及其重要制约因子
Floral formation processes of litchi and the important factors restricting this event
投稿时间:2021-02-05  修订日期:2021-05-03
中文关键词: 荔枝,花芽分化,圆锥花序,聚伞花序,温度,水分,光照
英文关键词: litchi  lychee  floral differentiation  panicle  cymose  temperature  cold waves  water  light
Li Feng Liang* 华南农业大学园艺学院(已离职) 11204
摘要点击次数: 257
全文下载次数: 0
      The inflorescence of litchi is composed of both panicle (compound raceme) and dichasia. The component panicle can be considered as “skeleton inflorescence” because of its function is mainly responsible for building up the skeleton that is the basic of the inflorescence. The component dichasia can be thought of “flowering inflorescence” since its function is special responsible for the differentiation of flowers. So, the inflorescence of litchi is actual composed of both “skeleton inflorescence” and “flowering inflorescence”. And can be regarded as “cymes based on panicle”. There are two turning points in the floral formation processes of litchi. First, the physiological differentiation is switched into the morphological differentiation at the terminal buds of last autumn shoots. Second, the developing inflorescence transforms its differentiating status from panicle (compound raceme) development to cymose differentiation. Therefore, the entire floral formation process can be divided, by using the two turning points, into three stages as follows: stage 1. Floral primordial induction and development; stage 2. The elongation of the main axis of the panicle and the building up of the skeleton of the inflorescence; and stage 3. Setting of flowers on cymose branches and the differentiation of floral organs. In this paper, we discussed, with focus on several subjects, how the important factors, both internal and external,restrict and affect the floral formation processes of litchi, paying specific attentions to the nutritional status of the trees and the changing of environmental temperature for their influences to the floral formation of litchi. We also emphasized the importance of “Grasping the time (temporal) and space (spatial)” while using the effective farming techniques to promote the floral formation and fruit setting of litchis.
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