PDF    HTML 基于单细胞水平的孕二烯酮诱导雌性食蚊鱼雄性化的研究
Exploring GES on sex reversal in mosquitofish based on the single-cell transcriptome.
投稿时间:2023-03-24  修订日期:2023-07-13
中文关键词: 孕二烯酮  食蚊鱼  硬骨鱼  性别逆转  性别分化  单细胞转录组  生物信息  
英文关键词: GES  Gambusia affinis  Teleost  Sex reversal  Sex differentiation  Single-cell transcriptome sequencing  Bioinformatics  
冯婷茵 广州大学 510006
邓希楷 广州大学 
邢珂* 广州大学 510006
摘要点击次数: 171
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      摘 要:【目的】性别逆转应用于水产养殖中,生产全雄或全雌的群体,提高养殖效益。本实验运用孕二烯酮作为外源性激素来刺激雌性食蚊鱼使其产生雄性化现象,并从单细胞转录组水平研究其性腺细胞基因表达的变化,进一步探讨孕二烯酮作用下食蚊鱼的性别反转的分子机制。【方法】将养殖系统培养驯化2个月后的性成熟雌性食蚊鱼暴露于浓度为500ng/L的孕二烯酮溶液中进行培养,于第4、8周取样观察其形态变化,并分别取正常雌性对照、雄性对照、暴露4周、8周样本的性腺制成单细胞悬液,进行单细胞转录组测序并分析。【结果】经过孕二烯酮处理后的雌性食蚊鱼形态上出现了臀鳍类生殖足现象。单细胞转录组测序结果发现雄性食蚊鱼和雌性食蚊鱼性腺具有完全不同的细胞构成。暴露4、8周后雌性食蚊鱼性腺中出现了少量的雄性生殖细胞,且原始生殖细胞数量有明显上升。进一步分析发现原始生殖细胞中性别决定关键基因amh、fabp3、dmrt1、wt1a、wt1b、cyp19a1a和fgf16出现了差异化表达情况,细胞轨迹分析表明部分原始生殖细胞出现了向雄性分化的特征。Toll-like receptor、TGF-beta、Notch和一些氨基酸代谢信号通路参与了原始生殖细胞向雄性化逆转的过程。【结论】这些结果表明,经过孕二烯酮处理后,雌性食蚊鱼在形态学上出现了雄性化特征,性腺中有部分原始生殖细胞开始出现了向雄性生殖细胞的转化特征,其中涉及多个基因与信号通路。
      Abstract: 【Objective】Sex reversal is applied in aquaculture to produce all-male or all-female populations to improve farming efficiency. In this study, with the purpose of understating the molecular mechanism of sex reversal, we used GES as an exogenous sex hormone to stimulate the masculinization of female Gambusia affinis (G.affinis), and the changes of gene expression in gonad cells were studied from the single-cell transcriptome level.【Method】 Sexually mature female G.affinis were exposed to a concentration of 500 ng/L of progesterone solution for 2 months after culture and domestication in the culture system, and samples were taken at weeks 4 and 8 to observe morphological changes, and single-cell suspensions were made from the gonads of normal female controls, male controls, and samples exposed for 4 and 8 weeks, respectively, for single-cell transcriptome sequencing and analysis.【Result】The morphology of progestin-treated female G.affinis showed masculinization, and single-cell transcriptome sequencing revealed that the gonads of male and female G.affinis have completely different cellular composition. After 4 and 8 weeks of exposure, a small amount of male germ cells appeared in the gonads of female G.affinis, and the number of primordial germ cells increased significantly. Further analysis revealed that several crucial genes (amh, fabp3, dmrt1, wt1a, wt1b, cyp19a1a, and fgf16) related to the sex-differentiation were differentially expressed in primordial germ cells, and cell trajectory analysis showed that a part of primordial germ cells had the characteristics of masculinization. Toll-like receptor, TGF-beta, Notch and some amino acid metabolic signalling pathways were involved in the masculinization of primordial germ cells. 【Conclusion】These results suggested that after GES treatment, female G.affinis showed morphological androgenic features, and some primordial germ cells in the gonad began to transform into male germ cells, which involved multiple genes and signaling pathways.
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