| Volume ,Issue 1,2007 Table of Contents
Contents | | | Effect of Rifampicin on salt-tolerance of rice R6 induced by elicitor HI | | 王正超, 李峰, 张玉华, 蔡瑞林, 方良俊 | | 2007(1):5-8 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Study on the breeding of distant hybridization between bamboo and rice | | 钟章美, 赵仁发, 李伟平, 黄森伦, 张在忠, 黎淼坚, 张财源 | | 2007(1):9-10 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 超甜玉米新品种正甜48的选育 | | 彭艺, 钟明, 林木华 | | 2007(1):12-13 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 甜玉米新品种田蜜2号的选育 | | 梁耿文 | | 2007(1):13-14 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Effect of copper on photosynthetic characters of tobacco | | 李宽, 孙婷, 刘鹏, 汤红明, 徐根娣 | | 2007(1):15-17 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Study on control effects of tobacco sucker with tobacco suckercides | | 邓海滨, 陈永明, 刘小平, 张丹丹, 蒋秀玲 | | 2007(1):18-20 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 影响茂名秋冬种北运菜生产的物质、技术因素分析 | | 陈钊铭, 陈朝阳, 杨董, 崔建昌, 黄兴祥 | | 2007(1):20-22 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 早中熟、抗疫病辣椒新品种福康2号的选育 | | 王得元, 李颖, 王恒明 | | 2007(1):23-24 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Breeding of a new luffa F1 hybrid Xialu 3 | | 李莲芳, 孙怀志, 张华, 谭雪, 林锦英, 徐淑元, 郑少薇 | | 2007(1):25-27 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Breeding of a new pumpkin variety Baisha Mili 1 | | 林奕韩, 郑汉藩, 胡忠, 陈捷凯, 林爱惜 | | 2007(1):28-29 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 抗枯萎病香蕉新品系农科1号的选育 | | 刘绍钦, 梁张慧, 黄炽辉, 黄玉香 | | 2007(1):30-32 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 佛山地区水果型番木瓜品种引种试验初报 | | 温华良, 梁普兴, 冯伟明, 丁成章, 刘惠珍 | | 2007(1):32-34 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Study on factors of influencing Protocorm-Like Body's development and plant regeneration in Cattleya tissue culture and rapid propagation | | 吕复兵, 冯学明 | | 2007(1):35-36 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Study on improving virus-free rate of Lily plant by culturing shoot tips | | 张艺萍, 屈云慧, 王祥宁, 吴学尉, 熊丽 | | 2007(1):37-38 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 空间诱变对矮牵牛花色变异的影响研究初报 | | 陈肖英, 郑平, 徐明全, 赵贵林 | | 2007(1):39-40 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 棣棠水培生长试验 | | 赵兰枝, 王珊珊, 陈进洁, 张允伟 | | 2007(1):40-41 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Study on the effects of acid soil conditioner on hot pepper | | 黄庆, 林小明, 柯玉诗, 杨少海, 邹献中, 刘奋安, 操君喜, 宁建凤 | | 2007(1):42-44 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Study on the effect of combined K-Mg fertilization on banana | | 李国良, 姚丽贤, 付长营, 何兆桓, 涂仕华 | | 2007(1):45-47 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Systematic distribution of insecticidal ingredients of neem | | 张志祥, 程东美, 徐汉虹 | | 2007(1):48-50,54 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Preliminary study on an agro-antifungal substance production by liquid-state cultivation with Bacillus subtilis BS-06 | | 崔堂兵, 刘煜平, 郭勇, 刘治猛 | | 2007(1):51-54 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Preliminary study on some new methods on tentative feeding,trappig and counting of the red imported fire ant | | 刘端云, 郭明昉, 廖金才, 庄天勇, 田伟金 | | 2007(1):55-56,59 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Preliminary study on the control effects of fipronil and imidacloprid to red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) | | 田伟金, 庄天勇, 陈绍平, 卓国豪, 王春晓, 廖金才, 梁梅芳 | | 2007(1):57-59 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Primary report of 53%Ridomil Gold-MZ WG against Peronophythora litchii | | 彭埃天, 刘景梅, 宋晓兵, 陈霞, 周庆贤, 周颂棠 | | 2007(1):60-62 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Cloning and sequence analysis of myostatin gene of Nanhai Yellow Chicken | | 蓝赐华, 刘为民, 梁梓森 | | 2007(1):63-66 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 家蚕滞育人工解除及其机理研究进展 | | 范兰芬, 林健荣, 王叶元, 钟杨生, 倪惠波 | | 2007(1):66-68 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 广西柳江县无公害子姜生产技术规程 | | 韦启光, 覃振略, 喻忠刚, 郑岸萍, 韦流宜, 韦婷娟 | | 2007(1):69-70 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 华南广适-耐肥型优质超级稻桂农占的产量性能分析 | | 司徒志谋, 符海秋, 高云 | | 2007(1):11,27 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | |