| Volume ,Issue 3,2007 Table of Contents
Contents | | | Studies on inheritance of the traits related to harvest index in rice | | 李晓方, 毛兴学, 罗文永, 肖昕, 刘彦卓, 王晓玲, 方正武, 邢丹英 | | 2007(3):3-6 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 华南地区一季中晚稻品种筛选试验 | | 吴拥军, 张焕钦 | | 2007(3):7-8 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 水稻聚焦太阳能辐射诱变育种技术 | | 姚建秋, 李镜华, 陈元深, 朱润尧, 王景昌 | | 2007(3):9-10 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 杂交稻特优721高产优质制种技术 | | 张绍龙 | | 2007(3):11-12 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Relationship between fertility alteration of fertility-changing sterile plant of nucleus male sterile line Kang A1 and temperature in cotton | | 郝天峰, 何觉民, 郭宗学, 何仪 | | 2007(3):13-15 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Research on cleaning-peanut production technique | | 周桂元, 梁炫强, 李少雄, 陈小平, 洪彦彬, 林坤耀, 刘海燕 | | 2007(3):16-18 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Effect of different fertilization methods on growth,yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco in Nanxiong | | 陈永明, 柯油松, 邱妙文, 朱祖明, 刘阳 | | 2007(3):19-22 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Effect of NaCl stress on seedlings of eggplant using agar fixation | | 卢永奋, 黄锐明, 谢晓凯, 马春梅, 苏宗安, 卢海强 | | 2007(3):23-24 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | A simple and effective DNA extraction method for AFLP analysis in citrus | | 母洪娜, 曾继吾, 易干军, 陈金印 | | 2007(3):25-26,35 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Studies on high efficient regeneration system of Hawaii pineapple | | 李霞, 易干军, 邓子牛 | | 2007(3):27-30 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 优质番木瓜新品种比较试验 | | 肖妙玲, 邓彩联, 朱文斌 | | 2007(3):31-32 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 番木瓜盆景栽培技术措施 | | 罗文扬, 雷新涛, 姚全胜 | | 2007(3):33-35 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Preliminary report of DNA extraction for RAPD an analysis in raspberry | | 卞贵建, 路艳, 周庆阳 | | 2007(3):36-38 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Research progress on tissue culture and rapid propagation of Phalaenopsis | | 肖丽红, 黄鑫文, 陈创国 | | 2007(3):39-42 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Research progress of Eupatorium odoratum in botanical pesticides | | 江世宏, 杨长龙 | | 2007(3):43-45 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 香蕉镰刀菌枯萎病的发生及综合防治 | | 李华胜, 陈世凯, 周荣, 温瑞明, 邱洪明, 胡东 | | 2007(3):46-47 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Study on control effects of Steinernema feltiae to Chinese red pine primary boring pests | | 胡学难, 陈小帆, 荣晓东, 阮乐秋, 吴佳教, 梁帆, 林莉, 谢伟烈, 谭惠如, 李惠河 | | 2007(3):48-50 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 6种杀虫剂防治稻纵卷叶螟田间药效试验 | | 陈观浩, 陈少兰, 梁盛铭, 曾春, 陈喜娟, 刘瑞强 | | 2007(3):51-52 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Toxicity of 10 kinds of insecticides against the 3rd instar larvae of Spodoptera litura | | 陆小军, 程东美, 张明聪, 梁明然, 曾导, 郑常格, 汤历 | | 2007(3):52-54 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 15%乐斯本颗粒剂防治黄曲条跳甲药效试验 | | 冯伟明, 温华良, 刘惠珍, 梁普兴, 丁良梅 | | 2007(3):55-56 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 不同豆类乳糖酶活力的研究 | | 陈芳艳, 王伟贤, 王林川 | | 2007(3):57-59 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 南瓜的干制工艺研究 | | 邹宇晓, 徐玉娟, 廖森泰, 张雁, 唐道邦, 刘银成 | | 2007(3):59-61 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 熟虾加工微生物指标控制技术探讨 | | 陈华健 | | 2007(3):61-62 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | Research and application of information platform based RFID in a large hoggery | | 祝胜林, 黄显会, 张守全 | | 2007(3):63-65 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | The anti-influenza H9N2 virus effects of active compounds from Radix Glycyrrhizae | | 方炳虎, 邱灵才, 陈建新, 陈良柱, 曾振灵, 陈杖榴 | | 2007(3):66-69 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 原子荧光法测定农产品中硒的研究 | | 殷秋妙, 赵沛华, 王纪阳, 徐爱平, 邓义才, 丁晨红 | | 2007(3):70-73 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | | | 惠州市无公害茄子标准化生产技术规程 | | 温武东, 曾秀文, 张涛, 曾柏荣, 翟振飞, 王小彦 | | 2007(3):74-75 [Abstract] [View PDF] [HTML] | | |