Study on the soil properties of the afforested slopes of Nan-You highway
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李志先,李玉梅,陈燕,陆山风,韦会松,和太平,唐忠国 1.广西大学林学院广西南宁5300052.广西交通投资集团百色高速公路运营有限公司广西南宁5300043.湖南省湘潭市建筑设计院湖南湘潭411100 
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      Based on the investigation of soil properties of different afforest plant types which grow on the afforested slopes of Nan-You highway, scientific references are proposed for the afforest management of Nan-You highway. The collected physical and chemical soil samples were tested and studied, and the F-test was applied on dealing with the analytical data, the results showed that the physical features of the soil was bad and the content of the soil nutrient was low. The soil properties of different afforest plant types had significant or extremely significant differences. The properties of the soil which plant Acacia confusa and Tephrosia candida were better than those plant Melinis minutiflora and Wedelia trilobata. More nitrogenous, phosphate and organic fertilizer were suggested, and neutral and alkaline fertilizer were recommended.
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