Comparison of the release effect of straw as carbon source under different conditions
Author NameAffiliation
王冰冰,马慧敏,张雁秋,曹文平 中国矿业大学江苏省资源环境信息工程重点实验室中国矿业大学化工学院袁江苏徐州221116曰3.徐州工程学院环境工程学院 
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      The effect of cellulose decomposition bacteria, DO and temperature on carbon release was explored with straw used as carbon source. The results showed that the carbon release of straw could be maintained 4 mg/d above after the fifth day of the trial, and the maximal value was up to 8.4 mg/d with cellulose decomposing bacteria under the condition of 30℃ and lack of oxygen, while it was only 4.1 mg/d without cellulose decomposing bacteria under the same conditions. The higher DO was, the less amount of carbon release would be at the temperature of 30℃ with cellulose decomposing bacteria. The relationship between the temperature and the amount of carbon release showed as followed: 30℃>20℃>10℃.
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