"Company & Peasant-household"is one of the important modes of the agricultural industrialization in our country. Many scholars researchon thestabilityof "company&peasant-household"formthe visual angleof thetransaction cost theoryor therelational contract theoryor theelectricalnetwork theoryetc.Theinfringementratebetweenthecompany and thepeasant householdsticksat ahighlevel because of theuncertaintymarketplace,andtheincompletecontract,andthe an agreement mechanismdoes not improve and perfect as well asbenefit drives andbenefit assigns.There aremany key factors affect the stabilityof "company&peasant-household"pattern,suchasthe productand the assets specificity, and the peasant household manage scale, and the contract terms design, and the operate pattern of the "company & peasant household", and the society culture factors, and the peasant household human relations etc. In order to improve the rates of agreement-honoring between the company and the peasant household and strengthen the stability of "company & peasant-household"mode, we can work out the standard perfectcontracts,andincrease special assetsinvestment,andorganizeformFOAKaswellasrelationgoverns. |