Comparative study of sensory qualities of new Danxia series White-hair tea species(families) processed white tea
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卓敏,乔小燕,操君喜,吴华玲,韩雪文,陈栋,李助明,谢汉茂 1.广东科贸职业学院环境艺术系广东广州5104302.广东省茶树资源创新利用重点实验室/广东省农业科学院饮用植物研究所广东广州5106403.仁化县红山镇政府广东仁化5123004.仁化县茶叶研究所广东仁化512300 
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      Shoot traits of nine new clonal species(families), Danxia No.1, No.2(CK), No.3, No.5, No.6, No.8, No.9, No.10 and No.13,selected from the north Canton Renhua white-hair tea group, and the sensory qualities of their 1-bud-1-leaf processed white tea were compared. The study showed that: (1)large differences of shoot traits exist among the different tested species (families) which could be categorized as follows: bud, especially large, large (fat), slender; leaf shape, long oval, oval and round; leaf colour, dark green, green, light green or yellow-green; leaf quality, soft, hard, or hard-and-thick; leaf body, folded inside, flat, slightly rolling back; (2)while the sensory qualities of the 9 new sepcies (families) vary, they are all suitable for making high-grade white tea of the "sweet and mellow, fresh and bright, fragrance diffusing"character, among which, Danxia No.1 has the "fragrance of honey thyme"; Danxia No.3 has a unique, pleasant "powder with herbal incense"; Danxia No.5 showed a pleasant "pine sweet"; Danxia No.8 shows a rich, pleasant "grass and Tsaoko herbal incense"; Danxia No.6 and No.9 have large (fat) buds and bright white hairs, and a strong, lasting sweet orchid fragrance; Danxia No.10 showed a delicate and delightful"lemon (pomelo) aroma"; Danxia No.13 has a slightly weaker overall quality, showing a "light sweet fragrance". Except that Danxia No.13 scores slightly lower than the controll species of Danxia No.2, all other new species have an equivalent or better sensory quality than the control groups. Their overall quality ranks as follows: Danxia No.1≥Danxia No.9≥Danxia No.8>Danxia No.5≥Danxia No.10≥Danxia No.6 >Danxia No.3≥Danxia No.2 >Danxia No.13.
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