Research of the role of distance and open education in promoting the rural cultural construction and in improving the farmers爷quality
Author NameAffiliation
李义丰,邱秋云 1.广东理工职业学院广东广州5100912. 广东科贸职业学院广东广州510640 
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      The Party's Eighteen Congress put forward a magnificent goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way, but the key and difficulty still lie in the countryside, furthermore the rural cultural construction, especially the farmers'quality lags a lot. The running characteristics of RTVU System, the running pattern of RTVU's open and distance education and the flexible running mechanism are quite suitable for the current status of the behind rural culture construction and the farmers'surging demand for the culture. Now we should make full use of the opportunity of the construction of Guangdong Open University, which can play a role in promoting the education fairness, serving the construction of lifelong education system, promoting the formation of learning society, and finally promoting the rural cultural construction that helps to improve the farmers'quality and construct a total rural well-off society.
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