Bdellovibrio mixture, which was mixed of Bdellovibrio nectophore and bdelloplast by 1颐1, as a microbial agent
was used in the production process of salmon sashimi. The raw materials during rough cleaning were immersed in Bdellovibrio
mixture, and the console, processing workshop and tools daubed by bdellovibrio mixture. The results showed that when the
concentration of bacteria bdellovibrio mixture was 103 PFU/mL, both the total number of colonies and pathogens residual rate were
0%. When the concentration was greater than 10 PFU/mL and the amount of daub on the console was more than 10 mL/m2, the
total number of colonies was less than 0.1% after 1 h, and pathogens were not detected. |