Competitive effect between invasive plant Galinsogaparviflora and Trifolium repens
Author NameAffiliation
齐淑艳1,2 昌恩梓1,2 董晶晶1 郭婷婷1 李晓春1 1.沈阳大学生命科学与工程学院辽宁沈阳110044 2.辽宁省城市有害生物治理与生态安全重点实验室辽宁沈阳110044 
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      In order to understand the competitive effect between Galinsoga parviflora and Trifolium repens, a greenhouse competition experiment was conducted with invasive plant G.parviflora and T.repens, with different densities and proportions of combination, to investigate their competitive behavior and the growth response, and relative competitive ability was evaluated. The results were as follows: The relative competitive ability of G.parviflora was higher than this of T.repens in the mixed planting. The individual biomass of G.parviflora and T.repens decreased as the density enhanced with monoculture and mixed planting in different densities. The RY value of G.parviflora was significantly greater than 1, however, the PYT value of G.parviflora was not significantly greater than 1, the A value of G.parviflora was significantly greater than zero of all test densities, when mixed planting and monoculture, indicating that the competitive ability of G.parviflora was stronger than T.repens. The density, proportion, density proportion had no significant effect on competitive ability between G.parviflora and T.repens.
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