Study on the relationship of alien invasive speciesEupatorium catarium from HainanIsland and Guangdong
Author NameAffiliation
严廷良 张颖 李蕾 仝大伟 刘吉锋 刘强 海南师范大学生命科学学院/热带动植物生态学省部共建教育部重点实验室海南海口571150 
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      In order to explore the pathway of Eupatorium catarium invading Hainan Island, we studied the relationship of the species from Hainan Island and west Guangdong province. We selected 8 populations of E. catarium in Hainan Island and Guangdong for the study on the genetic diversity, morphology and the characteristics of biomass distribution among them. Based on the dendrogram analysis of genetic distance, we found that the 5 populations from Hainan Island were in the first cluster, and the 2 populations from Yangjiang (YJ) and Xuwen (XW) in Guangdong province were in the second cluster. The population from Heshan (HS) was nearer to the second cluster than the first. The second cluster was nearer to the populations from Haikou (HK) and Sanya (SY) than the other 3 populations, i.e. Qionghai (QH), Qiongzhong (QZ) and Danzhou (DZ) from Hainan Island. Combining the dendrogram analyses of characteristics of morphology and biomass distribution, can provide a theoretical basis for the study of pathways of E. catarium invading Hainan Island.
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