Effect of dietary lysine level on growth performances andserum biochemical indices of Hainan black pig
Author NameAffiliation
姬长云,程汉奎,张静洁,邓超,钟佳莲,李维铖,邓衔柏 华南农业大学兽医学院广东广州510642 
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      The experiment was conducted to study the effects of different dietary lysine level (0.6%, 0.8%, 1.0%) on growth performances and serum biochemical indices in Hainan black pig. The results showed that the dietary lysine had significant effect on average daily gain of Hainan black pig, and when the level of lysine was 1.0% , the growth performances were the best. The dietary lysine level had significant influence on serum albumin, but had no significant influence on content of total protein, globulin, urea nitrogen and albumin/globulin in serum. In conclusion, Hainan black pig爷s optimal dietary lysine level was 1.0.
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