Effect of different nutrient ratio on growth and yield of rape
Author NameAffiliation
王文虎1,何俊龙1,谭太龙2,刘强1,荣湘民1,彭建伟1,官春云2,宋海星1 1.湖南农业大学资源环境学:/土壤肥料资源高效利用国家工程实验室/农田污染控制与农业资源利用 湖南省重点实验室/植物营养湖南省普通高等学校重点实验室湖南长沙410128 2.国家油料改良中心湖南分中心湖南长沙410128 
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      We researched the effects of different nutrient ratios on the growth and yield of rape with total amount of fertilizer in certain condition using field plot experiment. The results showed that the growth and reproductive of cole were relatively poor at the higher nitrogen application rate leading to low yield and poor economic returns. The rape would get low degree of variation and stable growth while the overall growth of rape reached a relatively good level with lower proportion of N it would obtain high and stable yield finally the yield was 3 207.16 kg/ha increased by 292.51% compared to the control increased 28.79% compared to the farmers used was significantly higher than other treatments, and economic benefits also reached the highest. The growth of rape was the best with m (N)(P2O5) (K2O)=14:4:7the yield was slightly lower than the ratio of nitrogen treatment but the degree of variation was higher and the characters of growth of cole was instableit was necessary to enhance the spatial and ratio of larger improvement. In conclusion in the six kinds of mixture ratios the handle of m (N) (P2O5) (K2O)=12:6:7 was advantaged to growth and high yield of rape, and was worth extension in location.
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