Research on the effects of meteorological factors on peanut yield
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王禹,许世卫,袁喻闻 中国农业科学院智能化农业预警技术与系统重点开放实验室中国农业科学院农业信息研究所/农业部农业信息服务技术重点实验室 
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      To assess the relationship between peanut yield and meteorological factors in major peanut province, search parameters and construct model for predicting peanut production, meteorological data (sunshine hours, precipitation and temperature) and peanut yield data were collected separately from 305 meteorological stations and National Bureau of Statistics of the People爷s Republic of China from 1980 to 2012 in China, which were used in model. Fisher integral model and Chebyshev orthogonal polynomials were used to analyze coefficients between meteorological factors (temperature, precipitation and sunshine hours) and the peanut yield in major producing provinces of China and to establish mathematics model between meteorological factors and peanut yield. Based on the coefficients between meteorological factors and peanut yield in different period, we could find that meteorological factors had great effects on peanut yield. The fitting degree of peanut yield meteorological model was very well, which could accurately predict peanut yield and be used to guide peanut production.
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