Establishment of evaluation system for quality of ripened litchi fruit
Received:October 03, 2014  
Author NameAffiliation
吴振先 韩冬梅 于卫东 雷晓宇 华南农业大学园艺学院广东省果蔬保鲜重点实验室广东省农科院果树研究所/农业部南亚热带果树生物学与遗传资源利用重点实验室农业部亚热带水果生物学与种质资源利用重点实验室 
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      This research was carried out to evaluate the roles of different quality indices which played in the comprehensive quality of ripened litchi fruit and establish a predicting model for it. The results showed that the indices for comprehensive characters, including edible rate, total soluble solids (TSS), pericarp moisture content, total sugar content,fruit shape index and so on with the coefficient of variation(CV) below 5%, reflected the stability of species traits. However, most of the indices for the single component, especially for the nutritional composition, like sugar components, titratable acid(TA), TSS to acid ratio, vitamin C(Vc) and so on with higher CVreflected the differences among litchi cultivars. By factor analysis, 6 common factors were simplified and pointed to the cultivar differences, the first 4 factors composed of sugar, fruit shape, chroma and acidity with higher cumulative contribution rate. Based on the comprehensive scores of ripened fruit, 17 cultivars were classified into 4 types, first was Guiwei, Heiye, and Huaizhi with the highest scores, second was Fei Zixiao, Nuo Mici, Bai Tangying et al, followed by Lanzhu, last was Zi Niangxi, Wu Heli, Da Dingxiang with the lowest scores, and the higher scores the higher reducing sugar, smaller size, flatter shape, lower acidity and redder pericarp. By the stepwise regression method, a predicting model for litchi fruit quality was established with 5 effective indices sorted as fructose跃solid acid ratio跃hue valuetransverse diameter total sugar.
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