Analysis on input-output and economic benefits of Longan in 2013 Based on the survey of Guangdong and Guangxi farmers
Author NameAffiliation
郑旭芸, 庄丽娟 广东培正学院经济系.华南农业大学经济管理学院 
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      Based on the survey data of Longan farmers in Guangdong province and Guangxi province, this paper analyzed the differences between the two areas, including cost structure, output structure, cost benefit, production efficiency and factor intensity, etc. The results show that Longan price of Guangdong province is higher than that of Guangxi province in 2013, but yield value (per 667 m2) and yield (per 667 m2) of Longan in Guangdong province are low, so the total revenue of Longan in Guangxi province is much higher than that of Guangdong province. Conversion rate of resources and inputs in the production system of Longan in Guangxi province are higher than that in Guangdong province. The main production inputs of Longan in Guangdong province are land and labor, while Guangxi province pays more attention to material costs. Input factor and output efficiency show that the increase of capital investment is not only beneficial to improve the level of overall output of Longan, also helpful for improving economic efficiency of Longan and promoting the incomes of farmers.
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