Wild ornamental vine resources in Dinghu MountainNational Nature Reserve and their applicationsin landscape architecture
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陈丽晖,徐呈祥,崔铁成,陈雄伟,包春秋,周丽萍 肇庆学院生命科学学院广东 肇庆 526000 
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      The diversity of wild vines in Dinghu Mountain National Nature Reserve was researched by fhe ways of field investigations,taking pictures,noting and collecting specimens,combined with indoor studies and investigations,and the overall ornamental value of the wild vines in this area from the four aspects of their flowers,fruits,leaves and forms was assessed by using the AHP method. From the wild vines that meet grade Ⅰ standard(excellent for appreciation)and grade Ⅱ standard(good for appreciation),we selected 184 species of 119 genus in 60 families of wild vines(including 3 large families,12 medium families,23 depauperate families and 22 single families)for evaluation. Among them,54 families belonged to grade I,accounting for 29.3% of the total families;130 families belonged to grade Ⅱ,accounting for 70.7%. Judging from the point of living forms, 97 species were woody vines,forming 53.3%,while 87 species were herbaceous vines,forming 46.7%;Judging from the point of growth forms,57 species were climbing vines,83 species were twining vines,23 species were adhering vines,and 20 species were trailing vines,accounting for 31.5%,45.1%,12.5% and 10.9% respectively. From the point of ornamental forms,62 species were attractive for their leaves,78 species for their flowers, 17 species for their fruits,and 27 species for their flowers and fruits,accounting for 33.7%,42.4%,9.2% and 14.7% respectively. On the base of this research,we made a list of the wild vines in this area and gave a detailed description of the living,growth and ornamental forms of each species and its ornamental grade,analyzed the applications of the wild vines in Dinghu Mountain in various green space,and put forward proposals for their development and applications
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