Coating preservation formula for semi-dried longan
Author NameAffiliation
王 娟1,莫纯东1,蔡国豪2,蔡国富2,李远志3 1. 华南理工大学轻工与食品学院广东 广州 510641 2. 惠州市四季鲜绿色食品有限公司广东 惠州 516300 3. 华南农业大学食品学院广东 广州 510642 
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      The coating formula was constituted by extracts of longan stones and pericarp,sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate and chitosan. This coating was applied in the semi-dried longan. Single factor and orthogonal experiments were used to optimize the coating formula. Results showed that the quality of semi-dried longan was mostly affected by sodium benzoate while the other three ingredients had no significant influence. Combined the preservation effects and costs,the coating formula was determined as follows:extracts of longan stones and pericarp at 26 Brix,with sodium benzoate concentration at 0.16%,potassium sorbate concentration at 1% and chitosan concentration at 1%.
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