Comprehensive evaluation of arable land consolidation potential in hilly and mountainous areas based on DEM
Author NameAffiliation
刘 阳1,黄朝明2,王 派2,韦仕川2 (1. 海南省土地储备整理交易中心海南 海口 5702032. 海南大学政治与公共管理学院海南 海口 570228) 
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      This article aim to find a suitable method for the evaluation of hilly cultivated land potential,which can provide an assistant decision-making for the land consolidation project. Based on Arcgis platform and the advantage of DEM,we calculated the natural potential of arable land on the scale of the administrative villages,and established an evaluation system,which contained the factors of production capacity,landscape pattern,infrastructure and demand.Moreover,using the entropy weight method,the analytic hierarchy,both objective and subjective was determined, the real potential of arable land was measured. We established basic information database and a more comprehensive multifactor evaluation system. The research method can achieve dynamic updates,and the evaluation of the results is feasible and can be used to guide macro-scale land reclamation arrangements and major projects layout.
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