SWOT analysis of e-commerce service for rural areasand policy recommendations to Guangdong postand express delivery enterprises
Author NameAffiliation
江明发1,张立忠2,吴 霞2 (1. 广东省邮政管理局广东 广州 5100032. 广东科贸职业学院广东 广州 510430) 
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      E-commerce service for rural areas is an important embodiment of“ Internet plus agriculture”, which can effectively promote the healthy development of rural economy and society. It interacts with the development of postal express delivery business,which has a general trend of serving e-commerce development for rural areas. With the rapid development of Guangdong's economy,Guangdong's e-commerce service for rural areas has also obtained an unprecedented development. However,it also exposes some problems such as weak infrastructure,lack of brand building,high cost of rural distribution,lack of e-commerce talents and so on. This paper made a SWOT analysis of e-commerce service for rural areas provided by postal and express delivery enterprises. Based on the relevant investigation and analysis of Guangdong post and express delivery enterprises,this paper provided some relevant policy recommendations to Guangdong post and express delivery enterprises to promote the better e-commerce service for rural areas.
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