Effects of root exudates of flue-cured tobacco on soil enzymes and nutrient activation in tobacco planting
Author NameAffiliation
肖明礼1,刘 高2,韦建玉3,金亚波3,王 军4,王 行4,王 维2 1. 广东中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心广东 广州 510385 2. 华南农业大学农学院广东 广州 510642 3. 广西中烟工业有限责任公司广西 南宁 530001 4. 广东省烟草南雄科学研究所广东 南雄 512400 
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      In order to investigate the effects of root exudates treated with different concentrations of flue-cured tobacco on the soil enzyme activity and nutrient content of flue-cured tobacco,the 0-20 cm tillage layer of Luocheng county,Hechi city,Guangxi province was used as the experimental material to set the root exudates of flue,the soil concentration,soil enzyme activity and soil nutrient content were measured at 5 days,15 days and 30 days after soil concentration. The results showed that root exudates could effectively increase the number of large aggregates in soil,the soil organic matter content could be significantly reduced,and the contents of available phosphorus, available potassium and available nitrogen increased;soil catalase,Polyphenol oxidase,urease,phosphatase and sucrose converting enzyme enhanced. Soil enzyme activity was closely related to soil nutrient,especially urease, phosphatase and sucrose converting enzyme were significantly correlated with soil nutrient. The results showed that the root exudates of flue-cured tobacco could effectively increase the proportion of soil water-stable aggregates and improve the soil fertility status by affecting the activity of soil nutrients and improve the soil fertility,and create a good ecological environment for the roots.
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