Effects of pH and dosages of montmorillonite on the carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and heavy metals adsorption from biogas slurry
Author NameAffiliation
蔡 敏 1 ,冯 露 1 ,李富程 1 ,陈少航 2 1. 西南科技大学环境与资源学院四川 绵阳 621010 2. 成都浩宇思源环境科技有限公司四川 成都 610000 
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      Montmorillonite was used as adsorption material to study the effects of different dosages and pH on COD, TP, TN, NH4 + -N, Zn, Cu, Cr, As, Mn and Ni of biogas slurry, and the interaction between physicochemical properties and heavy metals of biogas slurry was clarified. The results showed that the adsorption capacity of COD, TN, NH4 + -N, TP, Zn and Cu in biogas slurry decreased with the increase of the montmorillonite dosage of 0~50 g/L, and the removal rate increased and then tended to be balanced. At the dosage of 30 g/L, the adsorption effect was better. Under the proper condition with pH of 6.5~9.5, montmorillonite can effectively absorb TP, Zn and Cu in biogas slurry, with maximal removal rate of 84.3%, 86.8% and 94.5%, and it has a poor adsorption effect on TN, NH4 + -N and Cr. According to the adsorption capacity and removal rate, the appropriate pH of montmorillonite adsorbing biogas slurry was 7.5~8.5. Zata potential was significantly negatively correlated with COD, TP, TN, NH4 + -N, Zn, Cu, Ni. The strongest positive correlation was presented between Zn and Cu, and Cr and pH in biogas slurry. Cr and TP had a negative remarkably relationship, and Cr and As was not significantly correlated.
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