【Objective】A new leaf spot disease was found from Philodendron bipinnatifi dum in Wenchang, Hainan
Province and its pathogen and biological characteristics were identified. 【Method】Isolation culture and inoculation
test were carried out, and traditional morphology and molecular methods was adopted identify the pathogen. The crossing
method and the blood cell count plate method were used to determined its biological characters. 【Result】The pathogen
was identified as by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. The colony of the pathogen was white at the initial stage and then
changed to green-grey with red spore piles. The conidia were ellipse with the mean size of 6.14~14.69 μm × 2.96~6.49
μm. The optimum temperature for the colony growth was 25℃ . The optimum pH value was 9. In the tested carbon sources,
the pathogen could make use of many kinds of carbon sources, but the effect was different. The optimum carbon source and
nitrogen source were sucrose and sodium nitrate, respectively. Obviously, ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate(as nitrogen
sources) were not conducive for the mycelium growth. 【Conclusion】The pathogen of anthracnose in P. bipinnatifi dum was
isolated and identified for the first time. The optimum growth temperature and pH for the growth of the pathogen were 25℃
and 9, respectively. The optimum carbon and nitrogen sources were sucrose and sodium nitrate. |