崔纪超,中 奕,钟玉扬,余金姜,武小霞.不同甘薯品种苗期耐盐性试验[J].广东农业科学,2020,47(4):1-7
查看全文    HTML 不同甘薯品种苗期耐盐性试验
Salt Tolerance Trial of Different Sweet Potato Varieties at Seedling Stage
中文关键词: NaCl 胁迫  甘薯  苗期  耐盐性
英文关键词: NaCl stress  sweet potato  seedling stage  salt tolerance
崔纪超,中 奕,钟玉扬,余金姜,武小霞 莆田市农业科学研究所福建 莆田 351144 
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      【目的】筛选耐盐性较强的甘薯品种。【方法】运用盆栽试验法,用 150 mmol/L NaCl 溶液对福宁紫 3 号、福薯 604、广薯 87、济薯 26、龙薯 24、龙薯 9 号和普薯 32 等 7 个甘薯品种幼苗进行胁迫处理,对幼苗的生长量、相对生长量、叶面积、植株鲜重、植株干重、植株死亡率、盐害率和盐害指数等指标进行分析评价。【结果】150 mmol/L NaCl 胁迫 15 d 后,7 个甘薯品种的生长均受到明显抑制,表现为生长量、相对生长量、叶面积、植株干重和鲜重均极显著下降,其中济薯 26 幼苗的植株死亡率、盐害率、盐害指数均低于其他 6 个品种,是受盐胁迫影响最小的品种;而福宁紫 3 号所有指标均高于其他 6 个品种,是受盐胁迫影响最大的品种。【结论】综合各项指标,7 个甘薯品种耐盐性强弱表现为济薯 26 ﹥福薯 604 >广薯 87 >龙薯 9 号>普薯 32 >龙薯 24 ﹥福宁紫 3 号,济薯 26、福薯 604 和广薯 87 为强耐盐品种,龙薯 9 号和普薯 32 为中等耐盐品种,龙薯 24 和福宁紫 3 号为弱耐盐品种。
      【Objective】The study was to select sweet potato varieties with strong salt tolerance.【Method】Seedlings of seven different sweet potato varieties, Funingzi 3, Fushu 604, Guangshu 87, Jishu 26, Longshu 24, Longshu 9 and Pushu32, were exposed to 150 mmol/L NaCl under pot cultivation, to evaluate their salt tolerance. The growth increment, relative growth increment, leaf area, plant fresh weight, plant dry weight, plant death rate, salt injury rate and injury index of seedlings were analyzed and evaluated.【Result】The results showed that, with 150 mmol/L NaCl stress for 15 days, the growth, relatively growth, leaf area, plant dry weight and wet weigh of all the seven varieties decreased significantly. The death rate, the salt injury rate and the salt injury index of Jishu 26 seedlings were significantly lower than those of the other 6 varieties, while all indicators of Funingzi 3 were higher than those of the other 6 varieties. Among the seven varieties, Jishu 26 had the best salt tolerance, while Funingzi 3 had the worst.【Conclusion】In combination with various indicators, the salt tolerance of the seven varieties was showed as: Jishu 26 ﹥ Fushu 604 ﹥ Guangshu 87 ﹥ Longshu 9 ﹥ Pushu32 ﹥Longshu 24 ﹥ Funingzi 3. According to injury index and actual performance, Jishu 26, Fushu 604 and Guangshu 87 were high salt tolerant varieties, Longshu 9 and Pushu32 were moderate salt tolerant varieties, while Longshu 24 and Funingzi 3 were low salt tolerant varieties.
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