燕在珍 1 ,石运杰 2 ,余永松 1 ,于文进 1.农村宅院用地集约利用评价研究——以山东省典型村落为例[J].广东农业科学,2019,46(1):165-172
查看全文    HTML 农村宅院用地集约利用评价研究——以山东省典型村落为例
Study on Evaluation of Intensive Use of Rural Houses—Taking the Typical Villages in Shandong Province as An Example
中文关键词: 农村宅院用地  土地利用评价  层次分析法  闲置率  山东省
英文关键词: land use of rural houses  land use evaluation  analytic hierarchy process  idle rate  Shandong Province
燕在珍 1 ,石运杰 2 ,余永松 1 ,于文进 1 1. 广西大学农学院广西 南宁 5300042. 云南大学资源环境与地球科学学院云南 昆明 650500 
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      以山东省寿光市南柴村和蒙阴县石家峪村为研究对象,采用实地走访和问卷调查法获取农村宅院 利用状况相关数据,运用层次分析法和对比分析法等进行宅院用地的集约度评价研究。结果表明:南柴村宅院 用地户均面积为 238.34 m2、石家峪村为 259.73 m2,两地宅院用地面积普遍超出国家标准,且房屋闲置率都较高, 分别为 18.5% 和 27%。两地宅院集约利用水平不同,南柴村的集约度为 0.9594,石家峪村的集约度为 0.7291。 基于两地宅院用地集约度的现状,提出加强对农村宅院用地整治、优化宅院利用和改善农村宅院用地利用效率 的建议与对策。
      Based on the research on Nanchai Village, Shouguang City and Shijiayu Village, Mengyin County in Shandong Province, the data of rural homestead utilization were obtained by field visit and questionnaire survey method, and the intensive degree of homestead land use was researched by using Analytic Hierarchy Process and Comparative Analysis. The research indicated that the average household area of Nanchai Village was 238.34 m2 and that of Shijiayu village was 259.73 m2. Generally, the homestead land use areas of these two villages exceeded those of the national standard. In addition, the vacancy rates of these two areas were relatively high, which were 18.5% and 27% , respectively. The levels of intensive use in the two villages were different: the intensive degree of homestead land use of Nanchai Village was 0.9594 and that of Shijiayu Village was 0.7291. Based on the current situation of the intensive degree of land use in the two areas, suggestions and countermeasures were put forward to strengthen the renovation of rural houses, optimize the utilization of rural houses and improve the utilization efficiency of rural land use.
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