李小勇1 ,夏祥华 2,陶进科 3,黄丹娜 2,罗菊云 3,吴秀光 3.不同施氮水平对套种野菊花生长和产量的影响[J].广东农业科学,2019,46(4):15-20
查看全文    HTML 不同施氮水平对套种野菊花生长和产量的影响
Effect of Different Nitrogen Application Rate on Growth and Yield of Wild Chrysanthemum under Intercropping System
中文关键词: 野菊花  套种  施氮量  生长  产量
英文关键词: wild Chrysanthemum  intercropping system  nitrogen application rate  growth  yield
基金项目:国家科技富民强县专项“特色中药材产业开发与示范”(国科技发农[2010]349 号);广西柳州市应用技术研究与开发计划项目(2010020702)
李小勇1 ,夏祥华 2,陶进科 3,黄丹娜 2,罗菊云 3,吴秀光 3 1. 贺州学院食品与生物工程学院 / 广西果蔬保鲜和深加工研究人才小高地广西 贺州 542899 2. 广西壮族自治区药用植物园广西 南宁 5300233. 融安县科技局广西 柳州 545000 
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      【目的】比较不同施氮量对套种野菊花生长和产量的差异,筛选出最适宜的氮肥用量,为套种野 菊花高产、高效栽培提供科学依据。【方法】通过大田试验,在“金桔 - 野菊花”套种模式下对不同施氮处理 野菊花的株高、分枝数、干物质积累量、叶面积指数、叶片 SPAD 值以及鲜花和干花产量进行比较分析。【结果】 不同施氮处理对套种野菊花的生长和产量有显著影响,株高和分枝数均随施氮量的增加而显著提高;以施氮量 135 kg/hm2 处理的鲜花和干花产量最高,分别为 8 356.0、2 615.7 kg/hm2,但过高的施氮量不利于产量进一步提升; 在折干率上不同施氮处理间无显著差异。施氮量 135 kg/hm2处理的高产主要得益于单株鲜花和干花产量显著提高, 分别为 37.6、11.77 g;在生育期间具有较高 SPAD 值和叶面积指数(LAI),在盛花期群体 LAI 又能维持在一个 较高水平,提高花蕾期的光合物质生产能力和花蕾数,促进开花,从而显著提高干物质积累量和鲜花产量;其 总干物质最高为 962.7 g/m2。【结论】在“金桔 - 野菊花”套种模式下,施氮对野菊花的生长有显著的促进作用; 以施氮量 135 kg/hm2 处理单株鲜花和干花产量最高,为最佳推荐氮肥量。
      【Objective】 The present experiment was conducted for a comparison of the differences in the growth and yield of wild Chrysanthemum produced by different N application rates under the intercropping system so as to select an optimum N application rate and to provide guidance for the producers who are practicing high yield and high-efficiency cultivation of wild Chrysanthemum. 【Method】 Through filed experiment, the plant height, branch number, dry matter accumulation, leaf area index(LAI), SPAD value of leaf, flesh flower yield and dry flower yield of wild Chrysanthemum treated with different nitrogen application under the intercropping system of“fortunella margarita-wild Chrysanthemum”were measured and compared. 【Result】 The results showed that the growth and yield of wild Chrysanthemum were significantly affected by N application rates. The plant height and branch number increased significantly with the increase of nitrogen application.The flesh flower yield and the dry flower yield in the 135 kg/hm2 N application rate treatment were the highest, reaching to 8 356.0 kg/hm2 and 2 615.7 kg/hm2, respectively. However, excessive N application was not conducive to the further increase of yield. There was no significant difference among the six N application treatments in terms of the ratio of drying. The high yield in the 135 kg/hm2 N application rate treatment mainly got benefit from the increase of flesh flower yield (37.6 g) and dry flower yield (11.77g ) per plant. Its total dry matter reached 962.7 g/m2. This might owe to the relatively high SPAD value of leaf and the relatively high leaf area index (LAI) during the growing period. Having higher LAI at fullflowering stage could improve the production capability of dry matter and the number of flowers, thus significantly increased dry matter accumulation (DMA) and the yield of flesh flower. 【Conclusion】 In intercropping system, the application of N could significantly accelerate the growth and increase the yield of the wild chrysanthemum. In this experiment, the highest yield of the wild chrysanthemum in N4 treatment was 135 kg/hm2. Therefore, it is recommended that the optimum N application rate for the wild chrysanthemum is 135 kg/hm2.
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