陈  巍 1 ,郭秀珠 2,胡  丹 3,刘俊才4,黄品湖 2,刘冬峰 2,林绍生 2,宋  洋 2.镁钙硼肥配施对永嘉早香柚叶片与果实品质的影响[J].广东农业科学,2019,46(4):21-26
查看全文    HTML 镁钙硼肥配施对永嘉早香柚叶片与果实品质的影响
Effects of Combined Application of Magnesium, Calcium and Boron Fertilizers on Leaf and Fruit Quality of ‘Yongjiazaoxiangyou’Pomelo
中文关键词: 永嘉早香柚  缺镁  镁钙硼肥  叶片  果实品质  可溶性固形物  可溶性糖
英文关键词: Yongjiazaoxiangyou pomelo  magnesium deficiency  magnesium, calcium and boron fertilizers  leaf  fruitquality  soluble solids  soluble sugar
陈  巍 1 ,郭秀珠 2,胡  丹 3,刘俊才4,黄品湖 2,刘冬峰 2,林绍生 2,宋  洋 2 1. 江苏农林职业技术学院江苏 句容 2124002. 浙江省亚热带作物研究所浙江 温州 325005 3. 温州市特产站浙江 温州 3250004. 永嘉县农业局浙江 永嘉 325199 
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      【目的】针对永嘉早香柚缺镁问题,研究镁肥及与钙硼肥配施对永嘉早香柚叶片和果实品质的影 响。【方法】在永嘉早香柚萌芽期开展镁肥不同施用量及与钙、硼肥配施试验,7 月中旬从树体不同方位采集当 年生春梢叶片,测定叶片镁、钙、硼和叶绿素含量,果实成熟时采摘大小一致的果实,测定果实可溶性固形物、 可溶性糖和总酸含量。【结果】增施镁肥可显著提高永嘉早香柚叶片叶绿素和镁含量,其中硫酸镁 0.5 kg/ 株处 理的叶片叶绿素 a、叶绿素 b 和镁含量分别为 1.64 g/kg、0.69 g/kg、0.32%,比对照(施三元复合肥 2.5 kg/ 株) 分别增加 22.4%、11.3% 和 0.11 个百分点,镁含量达到柑橘叶片的适宜标准。增施镁肥还可提高永嘉早香柚果 实可溶性固形物和可溶性糖含量,其中硫酸镁 0.5 kg/株处理最高,比对照分别提高 1.07个百分点和 1.08个百分点。 镁肥与钙、硼肥配施处理可同时增加叶片镁、钙和硼含量,特别是硫酸镁 + 生石灰 + 硼砂处理的叶片镁、钙和 硼含量分别为 0.31%、2.83%、48.2 mg/kg,均显著高于对照。【结论】增施镁肥可提高永嘉早香柚叶片叶绿素和 镁含量、果实可溶性固形物和可溶性糖含量,降低果实总酸含量;镁钙硼配施可显著提高永嘉早香柚叶片的镁、 钙和硼含量,促进作用强于单施镁肥。
      【Objective】The effects of magnesium fertilizer and its combined application with calcium and boron fertilizers on the leaves and fruit quality of ‘Yongjiazaoxiangyou’ pomelo were studied based on magnesium deficiency of ‘Yongjiazaoxiangyou’ pomelo.【Method】 The experiments about applying different amount of magnesium fertilizer and its combined application of calcium and boron fertilizers were carried out in the bud stage of ‘Yongjiazaoxiangyou’ pomelo. In mid-July, the spring leaves were collected from different azimuths of the tree and the contents of Mg, Ca, B and chlorophyll of ‘Yongjiazaoxiangyou’ pomelo leaves were measured. Fruits of the same size were harvested when ripe and the contents of fruit soluble solids, soluble sugar, and total acids were determined. Then the data was analyzed by SPSS software.【Result】The contents of chlorophyll and Mg of ‘Yongjiazaoxiangyou’ pomelo leaves were significantly increased by adding magnesium fertilizer. The contents of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and Mg of the leaves treated with 0.5 kg magnesium fertilizer per plant reached 1.64 g/kg, 0.69 g/kg and 0.32% respectively, with the increase of 22.4%, 11.3% and 0.11 %, respectively compared with those of control,group and the content of Mg reached the appropriate standard for Citrus leaves. The contents of soluble solids and soluble sugar of ‘Yongjiazaoxiangyou’ pomelo fruit were also increased by applying magnesium fertilizer, and the highest contents of fruit soluble solids and soluble sugar were obtained when treated with 0.5 kg magnesium fertilizer per plant and the highest contents of which were 1.07% and 1.08% higher than those of the control group. The contents of Mg, Ca and B of the leaves treated with the combination of magnesium fertilizer, calcium fertilizer and boron fertilizer could be increased at the same time, especially when treated with the combination of magnesium sulfate, quicklime and borax, the contents of Mg, Ca and B in the leaves being 0.31%, 2.83% and 48.2 mg/kg, respectively.【Conclusion】The contents of chlorophyll and magnesium of‘Yongjiazaoxiangyou’ leaves, soluble solids and soluble sugar of fruit were increased, and the contents of total acid of fruit were reduced by adding magnesium fertilizer. The contents of Mg, Ca and B of leaves were significantly increased by the combined application of magnesium, calcium and boron fertilizers, and the promotion effect was stronger than that of single application of magnesium fertilizer.
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