查看全文    HTML 基于物联网的农机应急调度系统研究
Research on Emergency Scheduling System of Agricultural Machinery Based on Internet of Things
中文关键词: 应急调度系统  物联网  农机  Android  最短路径
英文关键词: emergency scheduling system  Internet of Things  agricultural machinery  Android  shortest path
张小花,叶文超,陈宗乐,梁健权,廖东东 仲恺农业工程学院自动化学院广东 广州 510225 
摘要点击次数: 1709
全文下载次数: 671
      【目的】为提高农机的利用效率以及解决农户应急情况下“无农机可用”问题,研究一套科学、 快速的农机应急调度系统是当前急需解决的难题。【方法】物联网的兴起给现代农业的发展提供了新机遇。应 用 GPS、GPRS 及 GIS 并结合 JAVA 技术,构建了最短路径调度策略下的农机应急调度系统。【结果】与启发 式规则算法相比,该调度方法平均调度成本减少 26%,平均调度时间约 1 s。【结论】该调度系统能提供一套 实时的调度策略,根据后台科学的算法使农机以最短路径及成本最低方式进行调度。其建立对引导农机作业向 自动化、智能化、信息化发展具有重要现实意义。
      【Objective】In order to improve the utilization efficiency of agricultural machinery and solve the problem of “no agricultural machinery availability” for farmers, it is urgent that a set of scientific and rapid agricultural machinery emergency dispatch system needs to be designed.【Method】The rise of the Internet of Things has provided new opportunities for the development of modern agriculture. The agricultural machinery emergency scheduling system was constructed in a shortest path way by GPS, GPRS, GIS and JAVA technology. 【Result】Compared with the heuristic rule algorithm, the scheduling method reduces the average scheduling cost by 26% and the average scheduling time is about 1 second. 【Conclusion】The scheduling system can provide a set of real-time scheduling strategies, and the agricultural machinery can be scheduled in the shortest path with minimum cost according to the background scientific algorithm. Its establishment is of great practical significance for guiding the automation, intelligence and information-based development of agricultural machinery operation.
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