蒋 超 1 ,龚建周 1 ,陈晓越 1 ,孙家仁 2.广东省土地利用阶段特征及动态研究框架探讨[J].广东农业科学,2019,46(8):146-157
查看全文    HTML 广东省土地利用阶段特征及动态研究框架探讨
Discussion on the Characteristics of Land Use Stage andDynamicResearch Framework in Guangdong Province
中文关键词: 广东省  土地利用结构  阶段特征  社会经济驱动  动态特征研究
英文关键词: Guangdong Province  land use structure  stage characteristics  socio-economic driving  dynamic characteristics
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(41671175);国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC0502803);广东省自然科学基 金(2017A030313240)
蒋 超 1 ,龚建周 1 ,陈晓越 1 ,孙家仁 2 1. 广州大学地理科学学院广东 广州 510006 2. 环境保护部华南环境科学研究所广东 广州 510655 
摘要点击次数: 1954
全文下载次数: 887
      【目的】基于长时序土地利用历史数据,解析工业化和城镇化持续发展大背景下广东省土地利用 结构的变化与转型特征。【方法】借助景观格局指数与 ArcGIS 分析方法,采用结构多样性、集中度分析从类型 与数量刻画土地利用结构变化,弥补均匀时序间隔忽视阶段结构共性的不足,探讨广东省改革开放 35 年来土地 利用数量结构、配置,时段转移与特征,主要社会经济驱动力转变。【结果】近 35 年广东省土地利用组合以“林 地 + 水田”为主,地类结构阶段变化具有明显时间节点(1990、1995、2000 年);据节点划分时序对各阶段地 类转移特征、网格化空间综合动态度动态度进行分析,驱动因子显示常住人口数与地区生产总值(GDP)为核 心驱动力;土地动态监测可深入研究城乡转型背景下人类活动与土地利用的耦合关系,破解社会发展与土地利 用之间的“困局”。【结论】地域土地利用动态监测研究需从阶段性、多样性、复杂性视角下认识,揭示了城 市化进程中广东省改革开放以来长时序土地利用数量结构、配置演变阶段性特征,对进一步探讨人地耦合关系 具有一定参考价值。
      【Objective】 Based on the long-term historical data of land use, the change and transformation characteristics of land use structure in Guangdong Province under the background of sustainable development of industrialization and urbanization were analyzed. 【Method】 With the help of landscape pattern index and ArcGIS analysis method, this paper described land use change from types and quantities by using structural diversity and concentration degree analysis to make up for the deficiency of ignoring the structural commonness of stages at uniform time intervals, and to explore the quantitative structure, allocation, time transfer and characteristics of land use in Guangdong Province in the past 35 years of reform and opening-up, and the main socio-economic driving forces. 【Result】In recent 35 years, the main land use combination in Guangdong Province was “forest land + paddy field”, the stage change of land type structure had obvious time nodes (1990, 1995, 2000). According to the time sequence of node division, the characteristics of land type transfer and the comprehensive dynamic degree of grid space in each stage were analyzed, and the driving factors showed that the number of permanent residents and the regional gross domestic product (GDP) were the core driving forces for land dynamic monitoring. The coupling relationship between human activities and land use under the background of urbanrural transformation could be studied intensive, and the "dilemma" between social development and land use could be solved. 【Conclusion】 The study of dynamic monitoring of regional land use needs to be understood from the perspective of stages, diversity and complexity. This paper reveals the characteristics of quantitative structure and allocation evolution of long-term land use since the reform and opening-up in Guangdong Province in the process of urbanization, which has a certain reference value for further exploration of human-land coupling relationship.
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