黄泽颖,孙君茂,郭燕枝.典型地区马铃薯主食产业化推进 竞争力比较研究[J].广东农业科学,2019,46(9):157-164
查看全文    HTML 典型地区马铃薯主食产业化推进 竞争力比较研究
Comparative Study on the Competitiveness of Promotion Practices of Potato Staple Food Industrialization in Typical Areas
中文关键词: 马铃薯主食化  区域推进  钻石模型  竞争力
英文关键词: potato staple food  regional promotion  Diamond Model  competitiveness
基金项目:国家公益性行业科研专项 (201503001)
黄泽颖,孙君茂,郭燕枝 农业农村部食物与营养发展研究所北京 100081 
摘要点击次数: 1753
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      【目的】比较华北地下水漏斗区、半干旱区、西北旱区、黑龙江省垦区、南方冬闲田区马铃薯主 食产业化推进做法的竞争力,促进马铃薯主食产业化区域模式形成。【方法】基于钻石模型分析典型区域马铃 薯主食产业化推进做法的竞争力。【结果】生产要素方面,各区域具备马铃薯种植自然条件与科研机构;机遇 方面,经济全球化与主食化政策带来良好机遇;需求要素方面,各区域居民未能改变传统消费习惯,但逐渐增 加主食产品需求;企业战略、组织、竞争状态方面,西北旱区主食加工企业最多,且开发了大众、功能与区域 特色产品;相关和支持产业方面,半干旱区以种薯、种植、销售等优势获得最佳竞争力;政府方面,半干旱区 出台了马铃薯主食化政策,主推品种进入省重点推广目录。【结论】半干旱区马铃薯主食产业化推进做法竞争 力最高,其次是西北旱区、黑龙江省垦区、南方冬闲田区和华北地下水漏斗区。
      【Objective】The comparative study on the competitiveness of promotion practices of potato staple food industrialization in groundwater funnel area in North China, semi-arid area, northwest arid area, Heilongjiang reclamation area and south winter idle field area has a positive effect on promoting the formation and maturity of the regional model of potato staple food industrialization.【Method】The Diamond Model was adopted to analyze the competitiveness of promotion practices of potato staple food industrialization in typical areas.【Result】It is found that, in terms of production factors, there are natural conditions and scientific research institutions for potato planting in all regions; as for opportunities, economic globalization and staple food policy bring good opportunities; in terms of demand elements, residents of all regions have failed to change their traditional consumption habits but have gradually increased demand for staple food products; as for the strategy, organization and competitive status of enterprises, there are the largest number of staple food processing enterprises in northwest arid area and popular, functional and regional characteristic products have been developed; in terms of related and supporting industries, the semi-arid area obtains the best competitiveness by the large production base of seed potato, the large area of fresh potato planting, online and offline sales; as for the government, the potato staple food policies have been introduced in semi-arid area and the main varieties are included in the provincial key promotion catalogue.【Conclusion】In general, the semi-arid area has the best competitiveness, followed by the northwest arid area, the Heilongjiang reclamation area, the south winter idle field and the groundwater funnel area in North China.
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