陈端妮 1 ,叶小玲 1 ,胡晓敏 2,朱 军 3,冯钦钊 4,杨梓滨 4.不同施肥处理对寒绯樱容器苗生长的影响[J].广东农业科学,2019,46(11):15-22
查看全文    HTML 不同施肥处理对寒绯樱容器苗生长的影响
Effects of Different Fertilizer Treatments on the Growth of Cerasus campanulata Maxim Container Seedling
中文关键词: 寒绯樱  施肥  生长效应  隶属度值
英文关键词: Cerasus campanulata  fertilization  growth effects  membership value
陈端妮 1 ,叶小玲 1 ,胡晓敏 2,朱 军 3,冯钦钊 4,杨梓滨 4 1. 广州天适集团有限公司广东 广州 5103352. 英德市旺地樱花种植有限公司 广东 英德 5130003. 广州旺地园林工程有限公司广东 广州 510335 4. 韶关市旺地樱花种植有限公司广东 韶关 512000 
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      【目的】以寒绯樱 1 年生容器苗为材料,探究不同施肥处理对寒绯樱生长的影响,并筛选出较优 的施肥方法。【方法】采用完全随机区组设计,设置 4 种由鸡粪、三元复合肥和液态肥组成的施肥处理,比较 寒绯樱苗木生长指标。【结果】施肥处理寒绯樱的株高、地径、冠幅、分枝数、分枝伸长量、叶片数等增长速 率均明显高于不施肥对照。在秋季施加鸡粪 20 g/ 株(F1 处理)对寒绯樱的促生长效果明显,各项生长指标增量 均显著优于对照,其中株高、冠幅和分枝长度平均增量分别为 120.88、81.18、79.94 cm,为对照的 1.99、3.13、 1.97 倍;地径、分枝数和叶片数增量分别集中在 10.34 mm、9 条、111 片。F1 处理仅在分枝数和分枝伸长量上 显著优于秋季施加鸡粪 15 g/ 株和三元复合肥 5 g/ 株(F2 处理)。增加春夏季三元复合肥和液态肥(F3、F4 处理) 与对照仅在地径和株高上有显著差异,且除地径增量外其他生长指标均显著小于 F1 处理。【结论】施肥能有效 促进寒绯樱生长,在本试验条件下,寒绯樱 1 年生容器苗的最佳施肥方案为秋季施加 20 g/ 株鸡粪。
      【Objective】In order to obtain an excellent fertilization scheme,study on the effects of different fertilizer treatments on Cerasus campanulata was carried out by using the one-year-old container seedling as material. 【Method】Using a randomized complete block design,the study set up four kinds of fertilization treatments consisting of chicken manure, NPK compound fertilizer and liquid fertilizer,and compared the growth indexes of C. campanulata. 【Result】The growth rate of plant height,ground diameter,crown diameter,number of branchlet,length of branchlet and number of leaves in fertilizer treatment groups were higher than those of the group without fertilizer (CK). The group which applied chicken manure 20 g per seedling in autumn (F1) obviously promoted C. campanulata growth,and the increments of growth indexes were significantly better than those of CK. The average increments of plant height,crown width andbranchlet length of F1 were 120.88, 81.18 and 79.94 cm, respectively,which were 1.99, 3.13 and 1.97 times of those of CK. The ground diameter, number of branchlet, and number of leaves of F1 were 10.34 mm, 9.00 and 111.00. The group which applied chicken manure 15 g per seedling and NPK 5 g per seedling in autumn (F2) was significantly inferior to F1 only in the number and length of branchlet. There were significant differences between the groups which applied NPK and liquid fertilizer in spring and summer (F3 and F4) and CK only in ground diameter and plant height,and the growth indexes except for ground diameter increment were significantly smaller than that of F1.【Conclusion】Applying fertilizer could effectively promote the growth of C. campanulata. Under the test conditions,the best fertilization scheme for one-year-old container seedling of C. campanulata is applying chicken manure 20 g per seedling in autumn.
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