刘 倩,张国豪,车万均,肖 瑶,张 杰,胡运高.杂交水稻重要亲本农艺性状配合力遗传力分析[J].广东农业科学,2020,47(1):1-8 |
杂交水稻重要亲本农艺性状配合力遗传力分析 |
Analysis on Combining Ability and Heritability inAgronomic Traits of Key Parents of Hybrid rice |
DOI:10.16768/j.issn.1004-874X.2020.01.001 |
中文关键词: 配合力 杂交水稻 稻米粒形 不完全双列杂交 不育系 恢复系 |
英文关键词: combining ability hybrid rice grain shape incomplete diallel cross sterile line restorer |
基金项目:四川省大学生创新创业训练计划项目(S201910619104);国家重大研发计划项目(2017YFD0100201,2017YFD0100206);四川省水稻育种攻关项目(2016NYZ0028) |
摘要点击次数: 2275 |
全文下载次数: 1044 |
中文摘要: |
【目的】分析杂交水稻常用的 4 个优质骨干不育系和 5 个骨干恢复系在农艺性状上的配合力和遗传
行统计并进行遗传力和配合力分析。【结果】杂交水稻产量的狭义遗传力小于 50% 且与广义遗传力的差值较大,
受非加性效应影响较大,易受环境因素影响;穗着粒数和有效穗数对产量影响较大,如宜香 1A 产量 GCA 效应值
为 8.02、穗着粒数 GCA 效应值为 1.47,西科恢 4761 产量 GCA 效应值为 8.37、有效穗数 GCA 效应值为 8.74;粒
形受加性效应影响较大,且恢复系影响大于不育系,其中长宽比和粒长的恢复系亲本方差贡献率分别为 89.68%、
63.75%,不育系和恢复系亲本对粒宽的方差贡献率皆为 40.68%,粒长和长宽比大的组合其粒形更长。【结论】
效穗数上一般遗传力高的亲本。研究获得了一个在水稻粒形上的Ⅰ类亲本雅恢 2115,可用于配粒形大而饱满的组
合;验证了一个粒形大而饱满的杂交组合宜香 1A/ 雅恢 2115,一个高产量的杂交组合宜香 1A/ 蜀恢 498。 |
英文摘要: |
【Objective】The combining ability and heritability of four premium backbone sterility lines and five main
restorer lines in agronomic characters of hybrid rice were analyzed.【Method】Four backbone sterile lines and five backbone
restorer lines in common production were selected for incomplete diallel cross, and the yield and grain shape traits of the
offspring were analyzed statistically to dissect the combining ability and heritability.【Result】The results indicate that the
narrow-sense heritability of yield of hybrid rice was less than 50% and there was great difference between it and the broadsense heritability. The yield was greatly affected by non-additive effect and easily affected by environmental factors. The
spikelets panicle and effective panicle had significant effects on yield. The GCA effect value of yield of Yixiang 1A was 8.02,
and the GCA effect value of spikelet panicle was 1.47. The yield GCA effect value of Xikehui 4761 was 8.37 and the GCA
effect value of effective panicle was 8.74. The grain shape was greatly affected by additive effect, and the effect of restorer
lines was greater than that of sterile lines. The variance contribution rates of parents of restorer lines with length-width and
grain length were 89.68% and 63.75%, and the variance contribution rate of parents of sterile lines and restorer lines to grainwidth both were 40.68%. Combinations with larger grain length and length-width ratio had longer grain shapes.【Conclusion】
The parents with high general heritability in grain length and length-width ratio, especially for restorers, should be selected for
long grain shape hybrid combinations. The parents with high heritability in number of grain spikelets and effective spike number
should be selected to increase yield. “Yahui 2115”, a Class I parent on rice grain shape was obtained in the study, which
could be used to match a combination of large and full grain shape. A large and plump combination of Yixiang 1A/Yahui 2115
and a high-yield hybrid combination Yixiang 1A/ Shuhui 498 were verified. |
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