古丽加汗·克热木,赵荣华,陈 光,蔡军社.不同采收期对葡萄干品质的影响[J].广东农业科学,2020,47(1):143-148
查看全文    HTML 不同采收期对葡萄干品质的影响
Effects of Different Harvest Periods on the Quality of Raisins
中文关键词: 葡萄干  无核翠宝  采收期  出干率  感官评价
英文关键词: raisin  Seedless Cuibao  harvest time  dry rate  sensory evaluation
古丽加汗·克热木,赵荣华,陈 光,蔡军社 新疆维吾尔自治区葡萄瓜果研究所新疆 吐鲁番 838200 
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      【目的】新疆具有悠久的葡萄干加工历史,因特殊的气候和环境条件,新疆葡萄干在国内外干果 市场具有重要影响力。研究不同采收期对摩尔多瓦、爱神玫瑰、无核翠宝、莫丽沙(无核)4个新品种葡萄干 品质的影响,探索最佳采收期,为果农获得高质量葡萄干产品提供参考依据。【方法】以鲜食葡萄可溶性固形 物含量(TSS,分别为18%、20%、22%、24%)为采收标准,对4个葡萄品种进行不同时间采收,通过促干剂浸 泡-晾房晾晒方式进行制干,测定葡萄干单粒质量、制干率、TSS含量、维生素C(Vc)含量等指标,并对感官 指标进行评价。【结果】不同采收期相比,TSS含量为24%时采收的4个葡萄品种制干的葡萄干表现出比其他采 收时间较优质的果实综合品质,TSS为18%时采收的4个葡萄品种制干的葡萄干表现出较低品质。TSS含量达到 24%时采收的4个葡萄品种中,摩尔多瓦的单粒质量最高为1.15 g,与TSS含量为18%时采收的处理相比高0.3 g; 摩尔多瓦、爱神玫瑰、无核翠宝3个品种果实TSS含量达到24%时,葡萄干出干率分别为31%、30%和33%,与 TSS含量为18%时采收的处理相比分别高8%、7%和8%;莫丽沙、无核翠宝、爱神玫瑰果实TSS含量达到24%时, 葡萄干总糖含量均高于其他处理,其中爱神玫瑰总糖含量最高达到85%;摩尔多瓦、爱神玫瑰、莫丽沙、无核 翠宝果实TSS含量达到24%时,葡萄干的Vc含量高于其他处理。4个品种果实TSS含量22%和24%时,葡萄干外 观、口感、风味等感官指标的评价较好。【结论】供试葡萄品种鲜葡萄TSS含量高于22%时制干的葡萄干综合品 质比较好。
      【Objective】Xinjiang has a long history of raisin processing, and Xinjiang raisins have an important influence in the dried fruit markets at home and abroad due to the special climate and environmental conditions. The effects of different harvest periods on the quality of raisins of four new varieties, namely Moldova, Eros Rose, Seedless Cuibao and Molisha (seedless) were studied in order to explore the best harvest time, and provid references for fruit farmers to obtain high-quality raisin products.【Methods】with the contents of total soluble solids (TSS contents were 18%, 20%, 22% and 24%, respectively) of fresh grapes as harvesting standard, four grape cultivars were harvested at different time, and the grapes were dried by general dry possessing such as soaking in grape dry-promoter and natural drying in the air-drying room. The single grain weight, drying rate, TSS content, Vc content and other indexes of raisins were measured, and the sensory indexes such as raisin appearance, taste and flavor were evaluated.【Result】Compared with other harvesting times,the dried raisins of the four grape varieties harvested when TSS content was 24% showed higher comprehensive fruit quality, and those harvested when TSS content was 18% showed lower comprehensive fruit quality. Among the four grape varieties harvested when TSS content reached at 24%, the single grain weight of Moldova was 1.15 g, 0.3 g higher than that of the four grape varieties harvested when TSS content reached at 18%. When the TSS content was 24%, the dry rates of raisins of Moldova, Eros Rose and Seedless Cuibao were 31%, 30% and 33%, respectively, which were 8%, 7% and 8% higher than those of the three varieties when the TSS content was 18%. When the TSS content was 24%, the total sugar contents of Molisha, Seedless Cuibao and Eros Rose were all higher than those of other treatments, among them, the total sugar content of Eros Rose was up to 85%. When the TSS content of Moldova, Eros Rose, Molisha and Seedless Cuibao fruits reached at 24%, the Vc content of raisins were higher than those of other treatments. When the TSS contents of the four varieties were 22% and 24%, the sensory indexes of appearance, taste and flavor were better.【Conclusion】In this experiment, the comprehensive quality of raisins was better when the TSS content in fresh grapes of the aforementioned vanieties was higher than 22%.
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