支 文 1 ,李笑晓 2,王 振 3,李富忠 4.新中国农地产权制度变迁模式研究——基于渐进性制度变迁理论[J].广东农业科学,2020,47(3):148-156
查看全文    HTML 新中国农地产权制度变迁模式研究——基于渐进性制度变迁理论
Study on the Change Model of Farmland Property Right System in New China—Based on the Theory of Gradual Institutional Change
中文关键词: 农地产权制度变迁  变迁模式  渐进性制度变迁  路径依赖  三权分置改革
英文关键词: change of farmland property right system  change mode  gradual institutional change  path dependence  "separation of three rights" reform
基金项目:国 土 资 源 部 公 益 性 项 目(201311088-03); 山 西 省 优 秀 博 士 来 晋 工 作 奖 励 资 金 科 研 项 目(SXYBKY2018018);山西农业大学哲学社会科学基金(2018YJ02)
支 文 1 ,李笑晓 2,王 振 3,李富忠 4 1. 山西农业大学资源环境学院山西 太谷 0308012. 山西农业大学信息学院山西 太谷 030801 3. 山西农业大学公共管理学院山西 太谷 0308014. 山西农业大学软件学院山西 太谷 030801 
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      农村土地产权制度是农村的基础性制度之一,新中国成立以来的农地产权制度变迁经验具有重要 历史价值及研究价值。运用历史制度主义渐进性制度变迁理论分析范式,对新中国农地产权制度变迁模式进行 识别。由封建土地所有制经过制度更替后变迁至农民土地所有制,由农民所有制经过制度转换与更替后变迁至 农民集体所有制,由农民集体所有制经过制度层叠后变迁至“两权分置”产权制度,由“两权分置”产权制度 经过制度漂移后变迁至“三权分置”产权制度,这表明新中国农地产权制度变迁是渐进式的并且具有极强的路 径依赖特征,农地产权制度的变迁是多因果作用下的产物。未来农地产权制度改革应从多角度出发,以集体产 权制度改革优化农地产权结构、以乡村振兴战略重塑农村土地价值观念、以农业数字化助力农地产权制度改革 升级,推动农地产权制度的良序变迁。
      The rural farmland property right system is one of the basic systems in the countryside. The experience in the changes of the farmland property rights system since the founding of new China has important historical value and research value. By using the analysis paradigm of gradual institutional change theory of historical institutionalism, the farmland property right system change mode of new China is identified. From feudal land ownership system to farmer land ownership through system replacement mode, from farmer ownership system to farmer collective ownership through system conversion and replacement mode, from farmer collective ownership system to "separation of two rights" property right system through system layering mode, from the "separation of two rights" property right system to the "separation of three rights" property right system through system drift mode, it indicates that the change of farmland property right system in New China is gradual and highly path-dependent. The change of farmland property right system is the result of multiple causes and effects. In the future, the reform of farmland property right system should be carried out from multiple perspectives: optimizing the structure of farmland property right with the reform of collective property right system, reshaping the values of rural land with the strategy of rural revitalization, stimulating the reform and upgrading of farmland property right system with the help of agricultural digitalization, and promoting the well-ordered transformation of farmland property right system.
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