刘 璐 1,马俊卿 1,廖虹霖 1,孙晨瑜 1,王 勇 2,黄京华 1,2.不同丛枝菌根真菌对广藿香生长及其挥发油积累的影响[J].广东农业科学,2020,47(7):45-51
查看全文    HTML 不同丛枝菌根真菌对广藿香生长及其挥发油积累的影响
Effects of Different Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Growth and Volatile Oil Accumulation of Pogostemon cablin
中文关键词: 中药材  广藿香  丛枝菌根  内源激素  挥发油
英文关键词: traditional Chinese medicine  Pogostemon cablin(Blanco)Benth  arbuscular mycorrhiza  endogenous hormone  volatile oil
刘 璐 1,马俊卿 1,廖虹霖 1,孙晨瑜 1,王 勇 2,黄京华 1,2 1. 广西大学农学院 / 广西高校作物栽培学与耕作学重点实验室广西 南宁 5300042. 植物科学国家级实验教学示范中心广西 南宁 530004 
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      【目的】中药材广藿香〔Pogostemon cablin(Blanco)Benth.〕面临着种质资源衰竭、产品质量下降等问题,不利于入药的安全性、稳定性、有效性。选择丛枝菌根真菌对广藿香进行接种,以了解其对广藿香生长和药用有效成分的影响,以期达到提高质量、增加产量,满足用药需要的目的。【方法】采用盆栽试验,设置单接种幼套近明球囊霉(Claroideoglomus etunicatum,CE)、单接种摩西管柄囊霉(Funneliformis mosseae,FM)和不接种对照 3 种处理对广藿香进行侵染,比较广藿香生长期内和收获后各项指标的差异。【结果】FM 处理广藿香株高比对照高 9.0%,基部茎径比对照高 9.8%,干物质量比对照高 21.4%,挥发油得率比对照高 0.59个百分点;CE 处理广藿香株高比对照高 18.6%,基部茎径比对照高 14.4%,干物质量比对照高 51.4%,挥发油得率比对照高 1.40 个百分点。【结论】不同丛枝菌根真菌对广藿香侵染能力不同,FM 与 CE 处理均对广藿香生长有显著的促进作用,还能提高吲哚乙酸含量、抑制脱落酸产生,但幼套近明球囊霉对广藿香的整体增益效果更好,且对于广藿香产量中最重要的挥发油含量积累的促进效果更佳。
      【Objective】Pogostemon cablin(Blanco)Benth, a medicinal plant, is facing the problems of germplasm resource depletion and product quality degradation, which threaten its safety, stability and effectiveness. The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi were selected to inoculate P. cablin to understand their effects on the growth and medicinal active ingredients of P. cablin in order to improve the quality, increase the output and meet the needs of drug use.【Method】Pot experiment was performed with three groups: P. cablin was inoculated with Claroideoglomus etunicatum(CE)and Funneliformis mosseae(CE), and the blank control without inoculation. The differences in various indexes of P. cablin during growth period and after harvest were compared.【Result】The plant height, basal stalk diameter, dry matter weight and yield of volatile oil of P. cablin treated with FM were 9.0%, 9.8%, 21.4% and 0.59% higher than those of the control group. The plant height, basal stalk diameter, dry matter weight and yield of volatile oil of P. cablin treated with CE were 18.6%, 14.4%, 51.4% and 1.40% higher than those of the control group.【Conclusion】Different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi have different infection ability to P. cablin. FM and CE can promote the growth of P. cablin, increase the content of indoleacetic acid and inhibit the production of abscisic acid. However, C.etunicatum has a better effect on the overall gain of P. cablin and the accumulation of the most important volatile oil in the production of P. cablin.
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